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Everything posted by Kicking_Television

  1. This thread is really making me wish they released the Live DVD. But yes, it is an epic song, and I love it. Don't wanna sound to crazy but the first time i heard it i cried. The song meant a lot personally and then finally seeing it live was too much.
  2. definitely, and even if a flac version comes out i will be still be pre-ordering it right when it becomes possible.
  3. aww i live hundreds of miles away and i happened to be in chicago that night and didn't see this thread before i left
  4. who would be forever grateful for a pm, kickingtelevision would be EDIT: got it, love you all
  5. Thanks, not a leaked track... cool beans
  6. that was exactly my fear too. but after all, the circle can only have one center.
  7. This album is so much better then Okemah and the Melody of Riot it's not even funny.
  8. pelasegett bcak on htis board sooon, wWe all msis yuo.
  9. I don't know who i'm asking to me PM me, but i'm asking please.
  10. www.dictionary.com Search for "Opinion" Then proceed to chill.
  11. yea i could really do without either way, but you are my face is rockin.
  12. there is something to be said about passionate sloppy live music... i'm not really sure the requirements that seperate it from shitty sloppy music but it's usually an instinct of mine to tell the difference. also, it might have something to do with the fact that it was probably recorded on a sub-par beta home video recorder in a club with bad acoustics... might have something to do with it too. cinnamon girl sounds pretty tight.
  13. you guys beat me to it... do we think it's weird we read british news for american news? that said, it is much better.
  14. he also does color commentary for UFC fighting, which is probably his best work...
  15. I guess this guy is for real, doesn't have a real LP out yet, but according to his website it's coming "very soon" His lap tapping work is pretty amazing to listen to.
  16. Wow, makes me realize the hellish standards for a snow day up here. we need like a 8-12 inch storm.
  17. I did my big final speech on the PMRC and music censorship in high school, i blew away even the teacher who apparently wasn't up on Tipper and other mommy elitists. I almost hate Al Gore by association.
  18. yea, have some respect audience! anyway, great rendition
  19. Yea i'd agree with the fact that it's been worn out. I'd have to go with III or even LZ I as my favorite. As for my favorite album. I might have to go with Jeff Buckley's Grace. Just to mesmorizing to ignore, a gorgeous album
  20. Walken is going to be awesome, when i heard it played live for the first time i was less then impressed but when i saw them a few months later and they played it again i fell in love with it Think they'll stream it?
  21. Update on the UP, 10:30 and it'is -9 windchill at -20. Is class cancelled... NO! On a brighter note it's supposed to get up to 12 tommorow
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