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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Considering SNL hasn't been funny during the Bush Presidency, I wouldn't hold your breath.
  2. But you're talking about the rig...oh, I see what you did there.
  3. While you're anesthetized, they intubate you, meaning they put tube down your throat so you can breathe. They have to wake you up when they extubate you, so they can make sure you can breathe on your own.
  4. I've inhaled, too, but I didn't like it. I felt like I was having a panic attack or something.
  5. I think I had the same surgery about 4 years ago, and it was definitely a pain in the ass! Since when has that stopped anyone from posting?
  6. One of the most awesome experience of my surgery rotation was getting to hold a beating heart during a bypass operation.
  7. I get the impression that TheMaker would answer "yes" to "Does this dress make me look fat?" and think himself virtuous for doing so.
  8. Nah, just a suspension of the entire basis of science.
  9. Which is why it's best to not look for scientific answers in religion or philosophical answers in science. Just as it's dumb to try to explain the origin of species using the Bible, it's equally unwise to use science to decide morality. That's not to say religion is required for morality, just that it should not be automatically excluded. Just like a Christian can't prove that God exists and Jesus is His son, a utilitarian atheist cannot prove that "the greatest good for the greatest number" is the correct basis for a system of behavior. Wow.
  10. You do realize that there's a difference between "knowing" something versus "believing" in something?
  11. I wonder what the graph would look like if it showed percentage of the tax burden.
  12. Because my political beliefs are closer to theirs. I'm a hypocrite.
  13. What does defecation have to do with anything?
  14. It's got to be one extreme or the other apparently.
  15. So is SD the running mate of Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich?
  16. Do you realize how serious the situation is? If you don't vote for Obama, McCain will be elected. Then we'll have tax cuts for the rich, more oil drilling, conservative Supreme Court Justices, outlawed abortion, and no healthcare. This is the most important election ever! Do you realize how serious the situation is? If you don't vote for McCain, Obama will be elected. Then we'll have high taxes, no more oil drilling, liberal Supreme Court Justices, legal abortion on demand, and socialized healthcare. This is the most important election ever!
  17. What's wrong with Alito and Roberts? They are two conservative judges appointed to replace two conservative judges. If you want a balanced Supreme Court, wouldn't appointments by Gore or Kerry have upset that balance?
  18. Chavez is a great leader. He has the balls to stand up to his own people.
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