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Everything posted by ikol

  1. Sure, as long as he's willing to do the dishes.
  2. Fighting the revolution, one mp3 at a time, comrade.
  3. I don't understand why I should care what A-Rod makes. I don't see how it affects me.
  4. The same could also be said for communism.
  5. So just to be clear, would it be OK for an artist to sell his music to a soulful corporation for a commercial?
  6. I think even I have made a couple serious points here (albeit accidentally, but still). When you post a couple Tolstoy quotes and say, "He didn't say anything about money. End of debate," maybe a little sarcasm is warranted.
  7. No. All of us schmucks enjoy art even if we don't produce it as prolifically as Tolstoy did. I was wondering when this would be brought up.
  8. The fact that you typed the sentence above validates everything I've ever said.
  9. I'm confused. Are you the same as Treehuggindirtguy? Anyways, I don't see how an artist getting paid to have their music on a commercial strips it of its value. If anything, it confirms it by putting a dollar value on it.
  10. Exactly. The almighty dollar is a good enough reason.
  11. I made this one today. It was pretty awesome and had a hint of banana from the beer. 1 large red onion, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped Various chili peppers (pasilla, serrano, jalape
  12. If y'all haven't checked out the ACL website in a while, they have a lot of videos from the past couple of years streaming.
  13. It doesn't help that we basically use Monopoly money.
  14. I would much prefer her over Bill as first lady.
  15. The only one I really like is Dos Equis Ambar. The rest are mediocre. I actually left off a country. There's one from Brazil called Xingu that's really good.
  16. Germany - beer England - beer Ireland - beer Belgium - beer Mexico - beer U.S. - beer
  17. They should've instead taken the Democrats' bait and blamed global warming.
  18. Then he can just put sunglasses on while delivering bad lines, and everything's OK.
  19. I think Larry David had a good solution on Curb Your Enthusiasm a couple weeks ago. Some jackass next to him in a restaurant was talking loudly into his Bluetooth device, so Larry just started talking to himself loudly thus interfering with the other guy's conversation.
  20. Yeah, but our tax system needs to be retarded.
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