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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: 'Are you the owner?' The pharmacist answers yes. Says Jacob: 'We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?' Pharmacist: 'Of course we do.' Jacob: 'How about medicine for circulation?' Pharmacist: 'All kinds.' Jacob: 'Medicine for rheumatism, scoliosis? ' Pharmacist: 'Definitely.' Jacob: 'How about Viagra?' Pharmacist: 'Of course.' Jacob: '
  2. Hmmm...the 'pretty much all the time' caveat gives me pause. There are some artists who have some releases I find unlistenable but love everything else. Guess that takes care of the qualification. Wilco Bruce Springsteen Bob Dylan Alejandro Escovedo Pearl Jam Ryan Adams (the king of 'pretty much all the time for me...he does have some unfathomable stuff Arcade Fire Neil Young (there are some definite clunkers...but on the whole) Stevie Ray Vaughn The Beatles U2 Marah
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aS4hoOSlzo Just saw this one today...Sweet Fancy Moses what a wonderful movie
  4. Although he never held a political office, he traveled in the corridors of power. First Director of the Peace Corps, President of the Special Olympics...it's a shame that this giant of American Public Service will be known as "Kennedy In-law". A true American Giant. RIP
  5. Neat Spike Jonze video of the Suburbs. (From what I understand it is a bit of a collaborative effort) (I would strip the vevo crap off here if I could...but here it is anyway) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Euj9f3gdyM
  6. I went googling for the quote, but I couldn't find it. So I will use my wondrous, yet sometimes flawed memory to give the gist of the comment as I remember it. I think it was from around 1974 when he was on his solo tour. He complained that Paul's playing on Something was too busy, that it ruined the song, and he preferred playing with Willie Weeks.
  7. Looks like it could be a 21st Century version of Winds of War. Meaning stunt casting of big and moderate name stars. Paul Giamatti as James "Pete" Longstreet? Are you kidding me? Kix Brooks as Winfield Scott Hancock? I actually laughed out loud. Kevin Farley as Henry Halleck? Why? Because he has a high forehead and parts his hair in a partial combover? They really need to follow the example set by Band of Brothers and cast up and coming actors. This will focus the attention on the story being told and not the 'gotcha' factor. The Civil War was the anvil upon which our nation identity was
  8. Solitaire Jeff - Vocals, Acoustic Guitar John - Bass Nels -Lap Steel Pat - Wurlitzer Electric Piano, Vibraphone, Mellotron Celeste Mikael - Hammond Organ Glenn - Drums, Percussion, Gunpowder
  9. What' even trippier is that people are trying to engage him as if he was rational and coherent. Not to change the subject...but has anybody seen Panther lately?
  10. Cheap and stupid? You betcha. Anti-Semitic? Very doubtful. She probably heard the term 'blood libel' somewhere and thought the expression had legs.
  11. Except for one thing. Not everybody that mourned Wellstone and attended the memorial were frothing at the mouth democrats.
  12. And in case any of my friends here feel the Wellstone memorial as Political Rally is overblown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQMVVUtd_Yw Don't blame the messenger (Foxnews). It is what it is.
  13. Even though George was pretty graceless in his comments about Paul's bass playing on this, I think it is the epitome of great bass playing and it enhances the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ63HUiPyL4&feature=fvst
  14. President Obama's message was spot on. The crowd was raucus and that was disconcerting and distasteful.
  15. I'm not a member of the tribe, but it is my impression that the term blood libel itself is not anti-semitic. Blood Libel is anti-semitic. It's over the top and hysterical, but I don't think that anybody but a handful of hard core types take Palin seriously.
  16. Not at all. TV commercials are now used by small bands as a 15 second plug for their record. Radio doesn' play OUR kind of music anymore...but advertising agencies love indie rock.
  17. I'm hoping we get a show in Dallas in September or October. D-man and I will be there once again (and this time we will be at the front of the stage...claustrophobia be damned!) And since we always get to shows at least two hours before showtime, it is a given we will be there.
  18. I'll quote Jules here: You're kinda dumb
  19. So now Andy Reid can't blame it on Donovan McNabb. Unbroken series of Playoff disappointmentes over the last 10 year and the common denominator is...ANDY REID.
  20. The thing that disturbs me, outside of the absolute carnage this man caused, is how he fell through the cracks. This wasn't a guy who his few friends and neighbors proclaim as being a nice quite man who kept to himself. Some of the statements attributed to his associates are troubling. This guy was a powder keg and there was nothing that anybody could or would do to get him help. That and he was able to obtain firearms. With my personal experience, I can see how things can spiral sickeningly out of control. People need to reach out to others in need and extend a lifeline. It may not be suc
  21. I was gonna give this a go...but i watched this instead
  22. Blaming Sarah Palin and Glen Beck for this is akin to blaming J. D. Salinger for Mark David Champan and Marilyn Manson for Columbine. If he had decided to hate John McCain and blow his head off would you blame Rachel Madow and Keef Olberman? It's knee jerk sanctimoniousness. This was a lone man with severe emotional and psychological issues who needed someone to step in and intervene. He wasn't a tea party partisan. He was a very ill young man who fell through the cracks of a society where people and their potential are wasted (squandered) every day. To many people these days live li
  23. It's symptomatic of our society in turmoil and decline. I know it's trite to site song lyrics at times like this, but this one contiunes to hit home: Well they blew the horns And the walls came down They'd all been warned And the walls came down They stood there laughing They're not laughing anymore The walls came down Sanctuary fades congregation splits Nightly military raids The congregation splits It's a song of assassins Ringin' in your ears We got terrorists thinking Playing on fears Well they blew the horns And the walls came down They'd all been warned But the walls came down I
  24. Sweet fancy Moses Saturday was a DAY. Freaking Seattle handles up on the defending Super Bowl Champs (now we won't have to put up with the obnoxius shenanigans of the Saints owner) and the freaking Jets beat the vaunted Peyton Manning. Damn what a day.
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