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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. And we actually saw a bit of that in IATTBYH
  2. I'm ancient (though not as old as Louie , but BoB is an inspired choice.
  3. Either: 1) a prolonged break (which might actually mean the end of the band as we know it) 2) solo projects (Jeff acoustic, Jeff book of poetry, Autumn Defense, The Singers, Pronto) 3) collaborations (Minus 5, Loose Fur, something new a la 7 World Collide) Wilco is at a crossroads...
  4. One of the most perfect exchanges ever recorded for posterity. Obama ain't Moses and he damn sure ain't Hitler. I think ridicule is the best way to handle batshit crazy people.
  5. No...but endorsements are. And when all is said and done, a good ending is just as important as a good beginning and a good middle.
  6. Erm...I didn't quite know what you were referring to with the "Booty Guy" comment...so I googled it. Let's just say I don't think the images that came up were what you were referring to.
  7. The fans of the Packers won't forget. Emmit Smith finished his career as a Cardinal. Tony Dorsett finished his career as a Bronco. Dallas fans may have forgiven, but it is not forgotten. Aikman, Staubach, R. White and Lilly finished as Cowboys. Does this give them more luster? Perhaps not for the casual fan. But for the diehard fan...it matters. And tarnishing one's legacy is nothing to sneeze at.
  8. Yeah...but when she is drunk/high, fun times will abound. And to be piggish...she has flashed her cootchie quite a bit.
  9. If ever there were a poster boy for the anti-drug movement...
  10. But the reason is he is a wall crasher...not because he is a butcher.
  11. I turned up the volume on Via Chicago to see if I could get a rise out of her, but She had lost direct interest by then.
  12. Actually, he's been in right lately. And he's not a liability in Center. Borbon is one to watch. Hellacious wheels. As an aside. Nothing is more irritating than having Boston fans coming out in force and making noise at your ballpark. Conversely, nothing is more satisfying than shutting them up with a series win.
  13. Ruling Class is always a tough listen for me. I imagine Jeff met more that a couple of 'Jesuses" in his stay at the hospital. I know I will never forget the guy at the payphone who was as pleasant and nice as he could be. He was 'Jesus' too.
  14. Went on a long road trip yesterday (taking Magic Kristen back to school)...decided to load up KT in the rotation. Downtown (a notorious music newb) said several times "Is this Wilco...They are really good" However, she also noted that the soloing in Spiders was making her crazy. Wilco, a band that is accessible with remarkable musicianship and songwriting that can still drive the wife crasy...what more can a fella ask for?
  15. Familiarity really does breed comtempt. Too much of a good thing IS bad. Ease of access has taken away the specialness, the allure. It is all commonplace and leads to ennui.
  16. What is the world has happened to my Texas Rangers? Winning with Pitching and Defense? Are you fucking kidding me? Four guys in the rotation who are barely old enough to shave? WTF?
  17. Anxiety, dread, sadness... It sometimes feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest... Now I find some death metal band has appropriated my handle...may never use crowjack again
  18. This hit me a hell of a lot harder than I would have ever dreamed.
  19. For me, a live recording is not a 'document'. I approach them as organic works that are reinterpretations of existing work. A live recording gives the artist the opportunity to revisit, refocus and restate their musical view of material. A few of you guys are music fundamentalists..."It's the SHOE!!!!"
  20. I look to history for a pitcher's appropriate reaction to a douche charging the mound:
  21. Well...they both know how to sell their homies down the river
  22. This is what keeps me alive. The discovery...the excitement of being turned on to something that allows me to rediscovert that 16 year old boy that lives inside this old man's shell. I want a second chance.
  23. Are you familiar with the Creedence Clearwater Revival Album Mardi Gras? (cryptic reference to a really bad idea that was tried by a Seminal Rock band for different reasons)
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