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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Another bottom feeder looking for HIS 15 minutes of fame. Let the feeding frenzy begin!!!
  2. Jeff fired Jay. Jeff was tired of the drama associated with Jay. Jeff is HAPPY with the band now. Wilco is Jeff's band. Just what is so difficult to understand about the above statements?
  3. By the way...anybody want to explain to me why James Harrison wasn't ejected after the personal foul on the punt in the fourth quarter. He threw TWO punches at the Arizona player while he had him pinned on the ground. Throwing a blatant punch is grounds for ejection...even if you are the NFL defensive Player on the Year...even if You are a Pittsburgh Steeler...and even if it is the Super Bowl. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG9GXtr9rpY
  4. I could easily be one of THOSE fans. My first rock show was a Springsteen show one week before my 16th birthday. I followed him acorss the South in 1978 (San Antonio, Houston, Austin, Dallas, Jackson, Memphis, Nashville). I spent nights on the concrete waiting for tickets. You know...one of THOSE fans. I am not one of THOSE fans though. I still fervently follow the Boss, but, for the most part, I keep my Bruce obsession to myself. Last night, my wife (Downtown) made it a point to tell everyone at out Superbowl gathering that Iwas a huge Bruce fan and everybody had to be quiet during the sh
  5. Jimi ---Voodoo Chile Stevie Ray --- Voodoo Chile
  6. Why do some people think that a sports team from their town winning a championship gives them carte blanche to act like Visigoths. Almost makes one glad their town has not won a championship in 14 years... PITTSBURGH
  7. Five words came into my mind when I read that brilliant piece of journalism... Get a Fucking Life Lady
  8. Just because Bobby attends Tom Landry Middle School? LOL And just for the record, we have an interstate named for Landry, but no schools that I know of.
  9. That's nice...the guy from West Virginia calling the guy from Texas a hick. Mr. Kettle...Mr. Pott calling.
  10. I certainly hope not...but there is a distinct and somewhat detailed rumor out there. And now for something completely different. I wonder how old Miles is? After seeing Dr. Pierre Chang with his young son in the flashback a couple of weeks ago, I had one of those epiphany things that Miles might be Chang's son.
  11. There is a heavily debated, nasty internet rumor that the series ender has been shot and I tend to not believe this. If it is even remotely true, there will be pitchforks, torches and nooses issued.
  12. If Tom Landry hadn't forgotten how the Cowboys made it to SuperBowl X and if Jackie Smith and Randy White could hold onto the football...the Steelers would be 3-2 in SuperBowls
  13. It isn't really hard to 'research'...this is a great link. http://www.opensecrets.org/ There are no innocents when it comes to money.
  14. After the episode where Richard visited the young Locke last year, I had the feeling it was akin to the test given dalai lama: seeing if he recognized items from a previous life. In retrospect, Richard's palpable disappointment at Locke's non-recognition of the compass is a bit confusing. This show is like an onion...there are layers upon layers upon layers. I'm glad Cain got cancelled...we need more Nestor Carbonell. The eyeliner kinda freaks me out...I wonder it is some sort of allusion to Ancient Egypt.
  15. Without a doubt. But, August in Texas ain't a picnic...especially considering it is preceeded by June and July and closely followed by August. There isn't any spring or fall in Texas. Just two months of winter and 10 months of varying degrees excessive heat and humidity.
  16. I would HIGHLY recommend Decoration Day in addition to these.
  17. Ya think...lol. I don't generally pay attention to ideologues, demogogues or people with an axe to grind. I grind my own.
  18. Figured I'd give this one a bump. Fathead deserves to be remembered and recognized here.
  19. 76000 BATTERY LLAMAS Random Walk in Two Dimensions
  20. Haven't had a governor go to jail in a while here bud. Don't think the same can be said for Illinois.
  21. The land of Lincoln...Adlai Stevenson...Everett Dirksen...and Rod freaking Blagljevich SPRINGFIELD, Ill.
  22. With the money from her accident She bought herself a mobile home So at least she could get some enjoyment Out of being alone No one could say that she was left up on the shelf It's you and me against the World kid she mumbled to herself When the world falls apart some things stay in place Levi Stubbs' tears run down his face She ran away from home on her mother's best coat She was married before she was even entitled to vote And her husband was one of those blokes The sort that only laughs at his own jokes The sort a war takes away And when there wasn't a war he left anyway Norman Whit
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