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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. There is a certain degree of idiocy that pops up with the automatic "That's racist" response. Befuddling it is. If the Dallas/Ft Worth area there is a town called Frisco. A growing suburban community with historically deep rural roots. One of those former farming communities that became a haven for downtown workers overnight. For 50 years or so, the mascot of Frisco High School was the Racoon...referred to in rural areas as Coons. The Frisco Coons. There is a Catholic school in the Dallas area: Bishop Lynch. They informally referred to their sports teams as the Lynch Mob. You can prob
  2. Or Eloise was one of the originals...the others. Whidmore wasn't Dharma...he was an 'other'.
  3. And it gives a bit of clarity as to Daniel showing up at the Orchid Station dressed as a Dharma technician. I think the losties be infiltrating the DI. I am wondering if there is some deeper parallel to the Ajira Airways crash and the Oceanic Crash. There did seem to be an interesting correlation with some of the other passengers. I wonder if Jack, Sayeed, Kate, Hurley, Jin and Ben have another DEEPER connection that the Oceanic crash; than their interaction on the island. Maybe they are assuming identities/roles of existing people. Maybe the Oceanic crash wasn' their first... The tem
  4. tThis is a microcosm of why I love and hate the internet. Now I know about the dvd and the track listing and am excited at the prospect of getting it. Now I will have to wait two months in full knowledge of what is coming. In the old days, I would either see it on the day it was released and be appropriately surprised or read about it a week before it came out. Modern Life indeed.
  5. And just what would you have given the new Springsteen... (gearing up for war here...)
  6. Neil has really gotten to be hit and miss. Dylan has really seemed to hit a renaissance in the twilight years of his career. Personally, any year with a Dylan AND a Springsteen release is a goooooooood year.
  7. I think the claymore mines, fire arrows and exploding ship pretty much took care of everybody else...
  8. We need a new release NOW. Before Jules cyber kills somebody.
  9. I must sy tht Seminary Ridge is not s imposing as I had anticipated. The Battlefield is smaller than I anticipated yet also larger.
  10. I don't like the association of "crow" and "murder" on this board...
  11. Burris tried to raise funds for Blagojevich SPRINGFIELD, Ill.-- U.S. Sen. Roland Burris now acknowledges attempting to raise money for ousted Gov. Rod Blagojevich
  12. Demons are demons. This is my 'hate the sin not the sinner' motif. Despicable as he may be, I can only imagine the hell that his life actually is. Empyt, Loveless, tormented...his narcissism has led him to destroy his face and destroy the lives (allegedly) of young boys.
  13. Yeah...but if one's man parts are ripped off, I don't think a smart fedora will be much consolation.
  14. Well...maybe not urine...but I damn sure don't use the bedspread/comforter in any hotel room I stay in.
  15. Lancelot Link would eat your face and rip off your manparts as fast as a chimp in the wild...
  16. I think the safest course of action is not to anthropomorphize animals. The chimp is not your little buddy, not your surrogate child. It is a noble, strong, WILD creature.
  17. I wonder if the story about him suffering from MRSA/flesh eating bacteria is true. He is a truly sad and tragic figure. No matter how much money you have...you can't escape your demons.
  18. It's interesting that you could substitute the name of any child star from the 70's on here and the story would still make sense.
  19. Any drummer that Richard Thompson choses to replace Dave Mattacks (when he brokehis arm)...well, that's endorsement enough for me.
  20. Nice... Kenny Aronoff is a helluva drummer.
  21. If anyone ever needed any encouragement to quit drinking...the following graph from the story should do the trick:
  22. Somehow...that would be too creepy to countenance
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