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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. this is a pretty doggone good idea for a thread YHF:AGIB:SBS 1. I am trying to break your heart: At least that
  2. The easy answer is he is on the side of the island. My question is...is he really the servant or is he a master? I don't think there's any doubt here. Sun and Lapidus stole the boat. My question is...where is Sayeed?
  3. (and the abortion that is the Texas Rangers got the expansion Senators...the glory continues)
  4. Much more sensitive than I was...and exactly on the point
  5. I can't answer that. But it wouldn't have gotten any better. (It never does without dealing with the problem.)
  6. Very hard question. One cannot make somebody change. Mental illness is just that...an illness. From personal testimony I can tell you that those kind of problems (depression, anxiety and social issues) do not treat themselves and won't magically get better. If said person refuses to get treatment or therapy, then it sounds like someone has a hard choice to make. You CANNOT fix someone else if they won't try to fix themselves.
  7. I keep coming back to Ben and his killing of John. Richard told John he had to die in order to bring the Six back. Christian didn't seem concerned and told John "That's why they call it sacrifice". John did seem to be wavering on the table top. And don't forget that the island wouldn't let Michael kill himself. In order for John to die...he had to be killed. Ben fufilled his role, but only when he had the information to insure the return to the island. However, as was the case with Judas, did he fufill his role with motives that were in conflict with the intended? Ben made the biblical all
  8. Interesting description...undead. I wonder if that means that Locke will have no existence off the island. I was under the impression that Christian was an avatar...but as Locke has resurrected, so it becomes apparent that Christian is 'undead'. Christian did appear to Jack in LA...but he was he just a vision? Does this mean that Charlie and AnaLucia are 'undead', or are they visions? Is there and actual difference? Is Claire 'undead'? She could have died in the explosion of the cabin. After all she went off with Christian so readily and seems so at ease with him in the cabin. And SHE a
  9. He also sang live in the Lonesome Day and Brilliant Disguise videos...
  10. I was a little let down that Abaddan was offed so easily. So much for the Satan references.
  11. Moving in a new direction for the band like YHF was a new direction from Summerteeth...that's the way I interpreted it.
  12. Something just occurred to me... Me head be spinning...
  13. And let's not forget about Dead Man Walking...
  14. With Caesar finding and hiding the sawed off shotgun, I am wondering if he is a part of the 'war'. I am now beginning to think that Ben may not be the bad one here...let me explain. It is TOO obvious to assume that Ben is totally bad. Yes, he killed his father and destroyed the Dharma Initiative. Yes, he did some prety despicalbe things with respect to the Oceanic survivors. He shot John. But there is always a sense that he sees a bigger picture. He seems to be pushed by some not fully explained ethos. "I'll miss you John"...he actually seemed sincere. And the bit in the previous episode
  15. Tonight this fool's halfway to heaven and just a mile outta hell And I feel like I'm comin' home Now I been out in the desert, just doin' my time Searchin' through the dust, lookin' for a sign If there's a light up ahead well brother I don't know But I got this fever burnin' in my soul So let's take the good times as they go And I'll meet you further on up the road
  16. A couple of real holy shit moments tonight... "He's the man who killed me". Is Widmore a good guy?
  17. And I STILL think Springsteen got hosed by the Academy.
  18. A couple of weeks later and I am STILL pissed that there will be no Dallas date.
  19. Not to be combatitive, but this is SO obviously not a mashup in the terms described previously.
  20. One of the truly great power pop bands...ever. A classic story of a band getting sodomized by the industry/manager. One band member suicide is tragic...two speaks volumes about the depths of despair this band was pushed to. For my money No Dice, Straight Up, Ass and Wish You Were Here are as good as 70's power pop/rock get. Meanwhile Back At The Ranch/Should I Smoke, Apple of My Eye, Baby Blue, Day After Day, Suitcase, No Matter What, Without You, Name of the Game...damn great songs. Plus, what other band would have the guts to write a song called Blodwyn in an English folk song mode. Grea
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