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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. It's interesting that in today's culture, we are debating whether he has gone insane in a very public way or whether it is a publicity stunt/scenes for a guerilla documentary style movie. It's interesting that both possibilities are reasonable explanations...and no one is really worried about the former. We all smiled at Anna Nicole Smith's descent into Hollywood Babylon and eventual death. The Osborne's was a popular reality show spotlighting the terrible effects of a life's worth of drug and alcohol abuse on a now loveable Ozzy Osborne. I think we are all getting a bit too jaded for co
  2. Belated reporting of violation of Godwin's law I'm going to keep doing this as long as you guys resort to the lazy tactic of comparing everything you find distasteful or wrong to the Nazis or oblique references to said villians.
  3. I would gladly throw my hat in the ring for the job. Daddy Crow Magnus '12 Tanned, Rested, Ready
  4. One would never guess that given your avatar? Best television ever produced.
  5. It's coming through a hole in the air, from those nights in Tiananmen Square. It's coming from the feel that this ain't exactly real, or it's real, but it ain't exactly there. From the wars against disorder, from the sirens night and day, from the fires of the homeless, from the ashes of the gay: Democracy is coming to the U.S.A. It's coming through a crack in the wall; on a visionary flood of alcohol; from the staggering account of the Sermon on the Mount which I don't pretend to understand at all. It's coming from the silence on the dock of the bay, from the brave, the bold,
  6. I stopped listening to them after Bill Berry left. They weren't REM anymore. They became another band that should have changed their name after a member left. That being said, I would suggest the following: Radio Free Europe Perfect Circle Shaking Through 7 Chinese Bros So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry) (Don't Go Back To) Rockville Driver 8 Cant Get There from Here Kohoutek Begin the Begin Fall on Me Cuyahoga Finest Worksong It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) The One I Love Welcome to the Occupation Pop Song 89 Orange Crush Stand (I always think of Chris Elliot when I hea
  7. Evidentally. But the CNN story indicates a great degree of bat shit crazy going on.
  8. Failed disc jockey, failed Baseball PR man...
  9. Rush is a failed disc jockey who found his niche is talking libertarian politics. If you can get past the bravado and the wacky politics you will find he is a wonderful broadcaster. As for politics...he's do well to realize that he is not talking in a vacuum.
  10. I had tickets to see Bo Diddley in some shitty club in College Station in 1983...but I got the flu and didn't make it.
  11. God that was a transcendant tour. Followed him across Texas and on to Tennessee...best two weeks of my life. 7/12/78 - CONVENTION CENTRE (THEATRE), DALLAS, TX --- (this was a 1,700 seat venue...fucking awesome) 7/14/78 - MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM, SAN ANTONIO, TX 7/15/78 - COLISEUM, HOUSTON, TX 7/16/78 - MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM, NEW ORLEANS, LA 7/18/78 - MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM, JACKSON, MS 7/19//78 - ELLIS AUDITORIUM, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 7/21/78 - AUDITORIUM, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE
  12. Not sure that will ever happen. Apparently there was a LOT of bad blood between Peter, Seth and Stephen. It's a damn shame that they broke up as they were hitting a popularity high point.
  13. Why do you come to VC regularly? Good way to kill time. What do you get out of coming here? Intelligent (for the most part) discussions about music and other sundry itemd How did you get into VC? I'll be damned if I can remember...but I seem to remember coming here after having been on the message boards for a time on the Wilco site. I may have run across a link at a usenet site. Do you consider yourself a Wilco fan, even if you hate AM/SBS/BT/MA/MA2/whichever album blew chunks? Next question How would you define being a Wilco fan? Enjoying the music and being absolutely t
  14. Don't really have three... But I saw Aerosmith in 1976 and they were the singluar worst band I have ever seen. Out of tune guitars, out of tune vocals, too loud, too stoned.
  15. Plus you have to really love those Volkswagen commercials.
  16. No, but I would like to know who sent the email so I could determine why the link was sent.
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