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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Which kind of sucks...because this person sent me a link to some sort of website. I hate it when people get upset and go away...I does not likes me some conflict.
  2. I wonder if talking about this is something that will get me a whack from the moderating stick. I know there have been folks who have been banneated (Still miss roncey), but deleted?
  3. I was looking through my personal messages folder and came across a 'Deleted Member'. What on earth would somebody have to do to get deleted from here? I wonder who it was...can't tell because they were deleted. Just wondering.
  4. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band Wilco INXS J. Geils Band Cheap Trick
  5. Hey little girl with the red dress on there's a party tonight in Memphis town
  6. Something just hit me. Ben showed very evident surprise when he heard Jin was still alive. Maybe certain events in the past have changed which may have spurred Ben's actions re: John. Things are getting too good to get a freakin' week off.
  7. ad hominum attacks are always a good way to endear yourself to people.
  8. I was going to bring this up in an earlier post...but I couldn't come up with a good explanation for why Ben let Hurley go back to the Losties camp and kept the three.
  9. Guess D-man and I will have to call in sick on Tuesday. I wonder if Downtown can be convinced to go to a rock show again with her spouse and son.
  10. I think Bono said it best: My God ain't short of cash Mr.
  11. The way the time travel scenario has played out in Lost has the individuals contacted in the past (mainly Desmond) having a found memory of the event in the future. So...if Sawyer meets Ben, they won't have a gestalt moment; Ben will suddenly remember the meeting in the 'future'.
  12. Interesting composition in the picture...Jeff is obviously the dad. Glenn the mom. Pat the hormonal teenage daughter. John the youngest son. Nels and Mikael the addled teenage sons.
  13. Their intervention did not fill a void...it changed the game. And your reference to 12 Monkey's kind of reinforces my point. Bruce Willis fills the role that Brad Pitt had filled...and he watched it happen the first time. (Not putting spoiler space here cause the movie is 14 years old. The universe follows rules...the Losties ' actions follow the events that happened...unless they are a severe game changing event. There are a couple of interesting holes here. The birth of the baby may indicate a game change. And if one isn't supposed to be able to come back to the island if they turn the whee
  14. The Lost characters fill roles that were occupied by others in the past. Their presence in the past where they had none in that context does not, in itself present a paradox. The actions will occur...the actors may change. (Kind of like what happened at the end of 12 Monkies). The Universe does take corrective actions. Past events cannot change...but possibly the actors can change.
  15. If I had to rank order them...it would be AGIB YHF SBS ST AM BT Interesting because as much as I love being there...I don't listen to it much
  16. He's about like he was on SNL..not very good; however, the Roots are a really cool house band.
  17. As I remember assholery was abounding in that thread a year ago.
  18. I have a feeling that Widmore knows the future as does Ben...they are seeking a game changer. I am thinking there has already been one game-changing event...when Ben/Rousseau's daughter got killed. Nothing else that had happened had shocked Ben...that did. After that...Ben apparently decided to let the O6 leave without any further effort to stop them and he decided to leave the island himself.
  19. I always love it when some asshole reviewer gives away key plot points...do not read this review if you haven't read the GN and want to see the movie.
  20. This may in part explain Ben's behavior in the second and third seaons with respect to Sawyer, Jack, Kate and Juliet. Ben has a major jones for Juliet becausees Juliet as a dead ringer for Annie (his youthful love). Ben knows that Sawyer and Juliet have a thing. If Sawyer choses Jack over Sawyer...then Ben loses Juliet to Sawyer...but then again Jack loves Kate, proposed to her, but he has a thing with Juliet too...God...this stuff is so confusing. When did this become Melrose Place? I think that Ben may be trying to change his future. Jacob (and or Christian) told John to move the island.
  21. Sounds a bit disingenuous there. It seems (to me) that it is a more libertarian kind of view. Government's job is to protect property rights. It is really interesting that when all is said and done...it is all about getting, keeping and protecting your nut.
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