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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. only 455 posts until this thread is closed...
  2. I actually laughed out loud. (Note: I renamed this in the link)
  3. I've got it...you worship Van Morrison!
  4. Everybody know that Jesus just left Chicago and he's bound for New Orleans.
  5. Last time I checked I wasn't a moderator...so post away...until the thread gets closed
  6. Maybe I was a bit harsh, but as I sit here trying desperately to get in touch with my brother who was unable to leave due to his job, I find no real avenue to find a way to 'make light of a bad situation'/
  7. Why the hateraide for Kitna...he seems like a non-entity to me.
  8. "Cluelessness really isn't an excuse..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3U8UXMvoBQ...feature=related
  9. Famed shark fisherman Frank Mundus dies, was 82 Frank Mundus, the legendary shark fisherman said to have inspired the Captain Quint character in the movie "Jaws," has died. He was 82. Mundus died Wednesday at The Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu after a heart attack, his wife said. It was his second heart attack in four days. He suffered the earlier one Sept. 6 at Kona International Airport after returning from a business trip to New York. Mundus had a history of heart disease, his wife, Jeanette Mundus, 46, said from their home in Naalehu on the southern tip of the Big Island.
  10. I am still flabbergasted watching this Racist Japanese Cell Phone Ad
  11. 'Major vibes' doesn't give a free pass
  12. Just goes to show...no matter how rich you are, no matter how heavy metal you are, now matter how much you ride the lightening, eventually you will end up carrying a shopping bag for your wife.
  13. Me likey...could you post a link...wonder if I can make that an avatar
  14. I doubt that Osama will ever be found. If there was ever going to be an October surprise rolled out with a capture, we would have seen Saddam kept on ice until October 2004.
  15. I can summon no righteous indignation nor do I have any crocodile tears to shed over Pakistani sovereignty. We should have Special Forces A Teams and the Delta Force on the ground after the Stark incident going after Bin Laden. We should have been using a rapier instead of a sledge hammer all along.
  16. Forget burning couches. I recommend drinking. Heavily. Trust me, I ahve a lot of experience with rooting for a disastrously performing football team.
  17. Those of you who felt the need to yuck it up as the apocalypse approached Galveston should be really ashamed. $8 Billion in damages estimated. Over 2 million people without power. I fear at the number of dead once the authorities manage to get access. It is scary that so many chose to ignore the 'evacuate or face death' warnings from the National Weather Service. Houston is the fourth largest city in America and the gulf coast region supplies approximatley 15% of the refined gasoline. Luckily, the refineries have suffered minimal damage (according to reports). But Houston has suffered
  18. Isn't it about time to admit that the Big 10 (especially Ohio State) has become a punchline for the nation when it comes to talking about over rated, over exposed teams? And I say this as a fan and an alumini of an amazingly disappointing program.
  19. And the rain wasn't hurricane related...
  20. I say this with all good humor... fuck you
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