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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Love the ascot and moustache on Mikael. So 40's dapper. And why on earth is Jeff wearing a hat? If he's going to wear one, at least wear a black hat with a black suit. Realistically, Wilco never had a chance. Bon Iver got the trendy, indie cred win this year.
  2. I thought Cespedes was going to be a sure thing, but after reading and listening to some 'experts', he apparently he is a four tool player. He was compared to Willie Mo Pena and Ruebn Mateo. Ouch.
  3. And you, as a musician, should know the problem with absolute judgements for OR against music.
  4. This is what I hate about awards. So now we have to hate the Foo Fighters (a hard working, earnest and tuneful rock band) because they won an award that most of you professed to not care about? ReallY?
  5. It's pretty much a moot point. This is 1996 all over again. Obama is a wounded candidate that a competent opponant could take down. But we are going to get Bob Dole redux (except Mitt Romney isn't a war hero).
  6. It surely is an odd identity the band has. On one hand, they are proclaimed as the leading American Rock band (read that several times after REM split) and on the other hand, you still can see the 'who the hell are those guys' statements. They have been proclaimed as the greates/best/most important band for years (the first time I heard it was after Being There came out). I know acclaim is nice, but i'm sure Jeff and the boys would love having a HUGE payday. I can't imagine they'll ever sell a ton of records...hell, at this point a platinum record would be nice. But maybe simply being t
  7. Actually, it is one of their first and biggest hits. But agreed, it is a cool song.
  8. You know...you don't really help you point there.
  9. Nah...no worries. Not everybody gets everything. But the "don't own any and have never really listened to him" speaks for itself. But, you are not obligated to give him a try.
  10. Well, you're not the first person to be struck by lightening on the road to Damascus. If you think he's great live now, I wish you could have seen him in 1978. Life changing
  11. As I sit here on a break at my second job, worrying about how I'm going to pay for my son's college, wondering when and if my daughter who just graduated college will find a GOOD PERMANENT job and move out of my house, I wonder for whom are things a LOT better?
  12. Well...it's 2012. Probably time let go on the Bush thing. It's passe like taking shots at Nixon.
  13. If truth be told, yes. Once Hamilton/Adams squared off against Jefferson, things got partisan and ugly.
  14. Interesting that he chose Springsteen's "We take care of our own"...not exactly a love letter to Obama.
  15. Devils and Dust was probably more about the material. The record itself was a bit slapdash. I think if Bruce went into a stripped down band project, he might really rise to the challenge.
  16. Drugs, Religious Cults, More Drugs, adultery and looking for a sound that would make Mick and John some cash.
  17. Glad to see Bruce is back on the road, but I think I would rather see him strip it down and do either a solo acoustic record and tour or a two guitar, bass and drums (something he's never done) record and tour. We've seen Bruce the showman for the last couple of tours. I want to see Bruce the Musician.
  18. This band bears absolutely no musical point reference with the Nicks/Buckingham version of Fleetwood Mac... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAzd8Jkkqaw&feature=related
  19. There's Fleetwood Mac, then there's FLEETWOOD MAC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_CV9cZhyi4
  20. I think everybody has the right to BE LEFT ALONE. The government and too many asshats feel the need to butt into things that simply aren't their business. So be it.
  21. When Peter Green was in the band, Fleetwood Mac was righteous. When they became cocaine cowboys in their Southern California sojurn, not so much. I find that I like the Dan. I can see how their almost antiseptic approach would be offputting.
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