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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Maybe so. I just can't get the picture out of my head of people in suits eating at the buffet and then heading up to see "Wicked".
  2. For those of you not familiar with the Dallas Music Hall, I've got to say this is a REALLY odd venue for Wilco to be playing. It is an art deco MUSIC HALL in the classic sense of the word. It is the home of the Dallas Summer Musicals, Dallas Pops and the one off Comedian Gig. Yeah, the Doors and Hendrix played there in the late 60's...but I really can't remember the last rock show there. (Looks like Joe Bonamassa played there earlier this year). The next events there after the Wilco show are: The DFW Association of Black Journalists 30th Anniversary Scholarship Gala Celebrating 30 Years
  3. Was Young more valuable to the AL Champion Rangers that Migule Cabrerra was to the Tigers? Alex Avilla? They both finished higher. I'm not saying that Young should have won, I'm saying that his day to day presence, his leadership, his versatility and his ability to fill several distinct roles in the field and the lineup rated better than an 8th place finish. That's all. And this is what I love about baseball. Does anybody (who is not a professional journalist) even remember who won the AFC MVP last year? And was it still being debated a month after the season? Baseball...it's a talking sport
  4. I am REALLY liking this one. It's a Brian Fallon (Gaslight Anthem) side project and is as good as anything I've heard this year.
  5. And Peter Buck is 55 years of age (or will be soon). Rolling Stone acts as though ROCK music ceased being relevant after Kirk Cobain ate the shotgun.
  6. There were times when I would show up four hours before a show and try to catch the sound check.
  7. This is a very age centric list, and about what you would expect from Rolling Stone. There are only 5 players on the list under the age of 50 and only 1 under the age of 40. Rock isn't dead...it's simply afflicted with dinosaurs telling us what is relevant.
  8. Kind of snarky their Jakob. You don't know me well enough to try and read anything into ANYTHING. They already play covers in their encores (I love my label and 36 inches high have been making regular appearances in the States). It isn't necessary to pay tribute to REM. Their body of work speaks for itself. Plus, the band has been on their Thanksgiving break, so I'm just hoping they are getting enough rehearsal time to get back to their mid tour form. Don't want them wasting their time to overkill a REM song.
  9. I won't complain. It is really a pleasure to see the joy and excitement in my son's eyes.
  10. The son and I will be there with bells on. He is just like me in that he likes to show up EARLY...even if we have reserved seats. I figure we'll be there around 4 to 4:30.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-a5OktorM&feature=relmfu
  12. Great Beginnings and Middles are important...but people really remember bad endings.
  13. He was more than serviceable at third this year and he was NOT a liability at first. But, your point is taken. However, I firnly believe that the Rangers would not have won the West this year without Michael Young in the lineup every day.
  14. LOL...I've heard that before. But do you MEAN it?
  15. Just as every opinon doesn't relat to the Cubs, the White Sox, the Red Sox or the Yankees? The Rangers are the team I follow and care about. I don't give two figs for who manages the Cubs or Red Sox, but I do have opinions. I hope they are reasonably well informed, but they will always be influenced by the 40 years I have invested in my team.
  16. No beef. But it's a bit of a reach from ScarJo and Wilfred
  17. Neri killed Fredo? Hmmm..that's right. In the boat. Nice.
  18. With the news coming out in Syracuse and several additional stories coming to light from across the country has put the question we really don't want to ask on the table: Is coaching youth sports a haven for pedophiles like the Catholic priesthood has been/was? It's very disturbing reading these stories of men entrusted with the well being of young people instead becoming sexual predators. It is unfathomable, yet it happens on a seemingly daily basis all across the country.
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