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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. Start with American Beauty and Working Man's Dead and go forward with the discography, including official live releases like Europe 72. After that, start digging into live shows from different eras to see what you like. I don't think Live Dead is good place to start. It's really out there.
  2. That's pretty much why i didn't go. Going to any show these days is a real hassle. Probably because I'm older and don't want to put up with all the waiting around that happens at any concert. It is pretty ridiculous what fans have to go through to go and listen to a concert. I never liked post drums and found myself leaving early after having seen several shows. I can't stand the 'standing around!'.
  3. Def not Lanois. Wilco's sound would not fit with his reverb drenched production. IMHO, of course.
  4. Albini produced that last Songs: Ohia album, Magnolia Electric Co. That was one of the best sounding albums of the last decade. Fat drums, up front vocals and guitars. So great! I second O'rourke. Not sure who else could do it. Howe Gelb? That'd make it weird.
  5. JK was there the first night, no? That must have been weird for him. I also enjoyed D/S. So cool seeing them up close. Okay, so now the tour with John Mayer?
  6. The vision that is sticking with me is Bob just sitting there during the Unbroken jam. He looked so tired. For what it was, Fare Thee Well was fun. Not really a big deal to me as I've seen all the incarnations in the past. This was just another one of those with lots of hype. In true Dead style, they just played a show.
  7. Finally, something GOOD on the internet. God dammit, I love Jeff Tweedy and his family. Just makes me think of how much I love my wife and kids and how much I love Jeff's music. Going to revisit Sukirae. Didn't really get into it when it was released, but now it seems like it will be amazing. Thanks for posting
  8. totally! the dude can sing and actually rip on guitar. saw them on at the first further fest and then just killed on a version of Bertha. as far as the final run goes…it was fun and celebratory. nice to actually put closure to the whole thing…even though they'll be playing in various incarnations from here on out. as an aside, i'm surprised they didn't do black muddy or so many roads.
  9. Forgot about Terrapin. Yes, life as we know it will never be the same!
  10. Only heard Birdsong last night. I'm heading to a local Dead bar to watch tonight. Should be fun. They definitely saved some heavy hitters for tonight. Other One China>Rider Estimated Samson Throwin NFA Ramble On Rose Uncle
  11. Cumbrerland was a repeat, no? Looking for a China>Rider or Estimated. Foolish Heart would be fun. Please no Victim or Picasso
  12. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KIo9hlzZdVkSgABVYsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByNDV2czA1BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDOQ--?p=phish+1993&vid=b109411a82c68f4646bdbffe58cb299a&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.qo9nfnfHLjmpVnQp4h1AqQ%26pid%3D15.1%26h%3D220%26w%3D300%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D0Z8twjrrzBc&tit=Phish+1993-07-21+Rift&c=8&h=220&w=300&l=357&sigr=11brg9vj5&sigt=10leldi2v&sigi=12kf7804k&age=1367089808&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=moz
  13. Last night was fun in the theater. Box was a great opener and Trey fit in quite well. Jack Straw was okay, however Bob is trying to direct the band to jam in between sections and no one seems to know what's going on. What happened to that kill opening riff? That song should've killed. but just kind of plodded along. Music was the highlight of the first set. Tight and fun. Bertha was good. Wheel was wierd in the first set and just petered out. Again, Bob leading the band in thes sluggish versions with extra jamming between verses seems to lead to confusion on stage. Passenger was a su
  14. I'm wary, but I'm going to see them at the movies tonight. Should be fun with a crowd. I really wish they'd just chosen 30 songs and played faux shows before the real deal. Also, simplify the arrangements. Let Trey just play guitar, let Bob sing his songs, let Phil sing his and let Bruce sing Jerry. Switch off between Bob and Bruce. Also, get the Further backup singers. Ugh, the harmonies are terrible. Still kind of excited for tonight. Wonder if we'll get any repeats?
  15. Couple of Soldier's Field stories. The entrance line was bottle necked and the band was on stage. I was so pissed because I was sure they were going to open with Shakedown (up in the rotation. Finally got in and the band busted into Touch! Joke's on me. Also, another time I decided to sit higher up so I could have some room. Some crazy dude was up there in a unitard stretching out to dance, as he said. Also, there were some non-heads next to me and I wowed them with my magic of being able to call songs. Loved studying the set lists and predicting. So fun! My friends and I always be
  16. That's my point. I'm still into it. I'm just more intentional about it. I'm slowly, but surely going digital because, as I age, I just don't feel as connected to physical objects anymore. At the same time, I'm sick over the death of CDs and record stores. I know they are still out there and I could just do that, but it's so easy going digital when I have so many other work and family obligations. I'm am sad my kids won't really understand music outside of the digital realm. I guess that's progress for you. One advantage is that with iTunes, I can buy individual songs and not have to bu
  17. Above, I was a bit harsh. What I miss in this incarnation are stand out solos. This run so far is just verse, chorus, noodle repeat. At least with Warren he would actually play a melodic, coherent solo between verses etc. As I said before, Trey doesn't' do that anymore. They just groove in his band(s) and that's what they're doing here. What the boys have lost is that lead guitar player. Without that it's just MOR grooving music. Garcia at least took the music somewhere. Bruce could, but he seems to be just sitting in. This being such a huge deal with so much hype, I'm really surp
  18. Thanks for the info on the set break music. That was the highlight of the night. IMHO, Trey Anastasio does not play lead solos anymore. He plays little riffs and lines. He's been doing that since 1997 after the Talking Heads Halloween cover. Trey hardly hits notes with any intensity anymore. Kind of a 'going through the motions' way of playing. So, last night, I couldn't help but fantasize about 1994 Trey ripping into some wicked solo at the beginning of the UJB Dm part near the end. Can you imagine? Now he just stands up there and plays notes or some cliche jam band rhythm guitar.
  19. I will definitely not be watching tonight. I'm really surprised there hasn't been any rips on the net yet.
  20. The show did have a good mellow vibe to it. However, it was less than stellar and (mostly) a train wreck. I could write an essay about it all. One thing I'll drop is that many times during the show I forgot Hornsby was there. I'd love to see Russo, Phil, Bob and Bruce play some theater shows with a tight setlist.
  21. Watching now. I'll just keep my opinions to myself. Interesting first set of songs.
  22. I bet they'll have something coming in the fall. The spring at least.
  23. I'm thinking they'll play it pretty safe tonight, unless the buzz is in the air. Openers: Bucket Touch Jam>Shakedown Last encore of the entire of the run will be Brokedown>Bid You Goodnight
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