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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Waterbury CT, where I live, is one of the four towns featured. Due to a *%$ migraine I gave up my ticket to the premiere and Al and his mom went instead. Ken Burns was there to do a lengthy Q&A and then he showed excerpts from the movie. He spent long amounts of time in town over the last several years.
  2. I swear to god I thought that meant Joe Cocker.
  3. My sense of humor must not be wired correctly then.
  4. Thanks Drew, thanks Mart. My mom is coming home tomorrow for a few days and one of my uncles is going down there. I'm so happy to hear this...she needs a break. I'm sure seeing her cat, being able to sleep in her own bed, and simply getting away from the situation will do wonders for her.
  5. Well, NoNo's still hanging in and making tiny minuscule improvements each day. I'm still not sure what his quality of life would be if he ever gets through this but one day at a time right now. They lowered the sedation levels to check his neurological responses today.....he opened his eyes when my mom told him to. It's not much but it was enough to give them a boost of hope.
  6. Now you're talkin' my language. TURN AROUND AND EAT YOUR BIG ASS BISCUIT! Vibes, Permie!
  7. 'Radio On' by Sarah Vowell It's a little dated but still a very interesting and entertaining read.
  8. Just heard... they've lowered the oxygen they're giving him and he's still at 100% blood oxygen level which means he's producing his own they've lowered the amount of ventilator activity and he's still stable which means he's breathing better on his own they've stopped giving him blood pressure medication and it hasn't risen his heart rate is stable the infection in his lungs seems to be slowly decreasing Amazing. He's not out of the woods and I wouldn't kid myself into thinking he'll heal up and go home....he's a very sick man. But the improvements, as small as they are, are not what the
  9. You guys are amazing! He's holding on, in pretty rough shape, but still holding on. After giving up hope and reading him last rites, they got him stabilized on Friday morning and he's had some ups and downs since then. He is on a ventilator, but they are slowly decreasing the amount of work it is doing for him so they can try to strengthen his heart and lungs. Honestly, I don't see a good outcome or a positive quality of life down the road if he does pull through this, but one fantastic thing that has come about by him hanging on is that my mom was able to get down there late Thursday night
  10. Thanks, everyone. A little tidbit from my No No's life (Nonno is Italian for Grandfather and it somehow morphed into No No for all of us grandkids).... He was a pilot in WWII. He was shot down and spent almost 2 years in a German work camp. After a long time of being imprisoned the men in his barracks started to sink lower and lower, not keeping their building clean, not grooming themselves....my grandfather gave them an inspiring speech that snapped them all back into shape. He told them that even though they were in a bad situation, they were still alive and still representing their c
  11. Hey all, Time to work your magic (I know we have it around here) and send some vibes to my grandfather in Florida. He's had it tough the last few years....first prostate cancer, then leukemia....battling both for many years now. Figures that a busted hip would land him in the hospital for surgery and that he'd catch pneumonia from being weakened by the procedure. I don't think there's much hope right now, but he could sure use some vibes for a comfortable exit. He's one hell of a guy....old school Italian with a heart of gold. I kind of thought he would outlive me. Anyway, thanks.
  12. So damn cool, but I need a bigger drive. But having the WiFi would be sweet. And the interface is BEAUTIFUL.
  13. We have a couple seasons courtesy of Netflix and burning software. But thank you for pointing me in the direction of TV Links. WOW!
  14. I will never forget listening to NPR 4 days after Katrina, and close to 48 hours after I began hearing and seeing reports all over the news from the Convention Center. The NPR host, Robert Seigel, was interviewing Chertoff, asking why all these people were in the Convention Center without food or water in deplorable conditions and no one was helping them. Chertoff responded that he had no reports of people being in the Convention Center. I could almost see the steam coming out of Seigel's ears. Immediately following his phone interview, a very angry journalist phoned to say that he was AT
  15. I get them at least once or twice a month. Although we've never found a solid trigger, lately I've realized that I think a lot of them are related to sinus problems. I get sinus pressure and then the headache comes on. It's always on the left side of my head behind my eye and down my neck. I've tried a bunch of prescriptions but they make me feel worse. They constrict all of my muscles and my breathing becomes labored. For a few years Excedrin Migraine actually helped if I caught it right at the onset of the migraine, but if it comes on in the middle of the night by the time I wake up it
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