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Everything posted by jff

  1. Man-kind has officially peaked.
  2. Kid Rock was on VH1 Storytellers last night. How dumb are you if you need Kid Rock to explain what his songs are about? That Buddy tribute should be pretty fun. Lou Reed doing Peggy Sue...
  3. I thought Tweedy said it had tons of verses. Hopefully it'll be a good balance of lyrical and instrumetal sections.
  4. Assuming this lengthy song is lyrically driven, rather than a showpiece for soloing, I hope it'll be more like Like a Rolling Stone than Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands.
  5. I don't remember the weather being this violent in my lifetime. We haven't had any Spring showers in Atlanta this year. We've either had perfect sunny days, or extremely heavy rain, damaging winds and tornadoes. Usually we'll have two or three big storms in the Spring, and the rest of the season is nice days and gentle to moderate showers.
  6. I disagree with that, too. Strongly. Apparently, I'm not doing a good job making my point.
  7. The storm went about 50 miles north of where I live. We got lucky and dodged a bullet in Atlanta Metro area. Looks like middle Alabama got the worst of it. The weather's been scary this spring. Hope everyone's ok.
  8. I haven't paid attention to the track listing, but that seems a little odd. Have Beastie Boys done that before? It seems like the songs that become their "hit" from their albums is usually several songs in, whether it be "So Whatcha Want", "Sabotage", "Fight for Your Right", etc.
  9. I see what you mean, and I see the connection, it just seemed a little random to bring in Jarrett/Koln since there have been loads of live improvised releases by (so-called) jazz artists. Nels has probably been a player on a dozen or more already. It sort of felt like someone saying "Wilco has a new single coming out" and someone else saying, "that's great news, I love Great Balls of Fire."
  10. We're not talking about the same thing here.
  11. That reminds me of a Simpsons episode in which Willie Nelson was at an award show and said "Now to present the lifetime achievement award to Falco, ladies and gentlemen, Taco!"
  12. I thought I had posted on this thread, but I guess I didn't. Hopefully I didn't post my response in some other thread and everyone's wondering WTF I'm going on about. Anyway, the only foreign language acts I listen to regularly are: Dungen Os Mutantes Tinariwen I usually get a couple things from the international section whenever I go to the library. Rokia Traore is one thing I got from the library that I enjoyed enough to burn. A lot of the stuff on Festival in the Desert was pretty great, too.
  13. There's a huge difference between "musical or artistic understanding", which is the phrase you quoted, and musical enjoyment. Sometimes you might LIKE one thing better, but the other thing actually IS better. You might enjoy looking at Thomas Kinkade's artwork more than you like looking at Salvador Dali's artwork. But that doesn't change the fact that Dali is a better artist than Thomas Kinkade.
  14. This is basically why democracy has failed.
  15. You always need a "wiggle word" when you put money on the table. I narrowly escaped having to donate $100 after a comment I made about curling as an olympic sport.
  16. Are you considering having double babies?
  17. Maybe I misinterpreted that scene, but I thought those were record company and music press people, and not fans. I would never make fun of a fan who gets toungue-tied when they meet a band or artist they like, but people who work in the music industry should be able to ask a question that is somewhat intelligent. The Courtney Love comment, if it was from a fan, was a regrettable one-liner. If it was from an industry person, it was insulting and ignorant.
  18. I don't think SBS is as straightforward as it seems. Lyrically maybe, on most songs. But the goofy guitar line in Walken is kind of bizarre and cartoonish. Sort of like the theme song you might hear on a log flume ride at Six Flags in Mississippi. Side with the Seeds and Impossible Germany have quite a bit of not-so-straightforward instrumentation, as well. Shake it Off doesn't bring to mind any other song I'd consider straightforward. Its choppy rhythms in the middle part remind me of some of the Loose Fur material. At least, that's how I recall it. I haven't listened to SBS in two y
  19. Fair point, but what are they supposed to think of any description? Maybe if someone had said "can you explain what you mean by holes?" rather than saying "so, like, uh, it's like a Courtney Love, album?" they would have shamed themselves a lot less, and Tweedy might have been more interested in hanging around to talk to them.
  20. I thought the "holes" scene offered a pretty good description of the sound/approach to YHF era Wilco. That scene really exposed the mooks backstage for the know-nothing hangers-on that they are.
  21. This is probably true. Last night a friend was over and pulled out Captain Beefheart's Moonbeams and Bluejeans album, which is almost unanimously considered an embarrassment on his music career. But if it were a one-off historical artifact by an obscure artist, it might be considered a lost gem.
  22. That's obviously correct. I doubt any sane person has ever loved their new dog the day they brought it home as much as they loved their old dog who was a faithful companion for 15 years.
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