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Everything posted by jff

  1. That makes sense. That's how it was during the '90s Lollapalooza, at least the ones with reserved seating. A bunch of empty seats for all of the daytime acts. I liked them alright during the HORDE era, but more recent clips I've seen of them are horrific.
  2. Can't remember the last time I listened to this.
  3. It was probably neither. Places like that are professionally staged.
  4. My exercise routine has been kind of lazy lately, but it keeps me relatively stable in terms of weight and keeping my belly from looking like my dad's. I'm pretty skinny, but when I put on weight it all goes to the beer gut area. My wife goes to operation boot camp in the morning, which is pretty good motivation for me to get out of bed. My routine is to go to the basement, put on a record, run five minutes (1/2 mile) on the treadmill to warm up, do a weight and cardio routine I adapted from a Jillian Michaels dvd, and run five more minutes at the end, followed by a cooldown and stretching
  5. I saw the Sunday show in Atlanta. Amazing. They played everything I was hoping to hear, except for Embassy Row. They said their show the previous night in Maryland sucked, and that Lollapaloza sucked. I'm not sure if they meant the '90s Lollapalooza, or a recent one. They were clearly enjoying the ecstatic response in Atlanta. Anyone go to the Maryland show? I wonder what the deal was there. Funny stage announcement from Times New Viking's drummer: "You guys excited to see Pavement?" (Audience cheers) "Well they didn't show up...but Spin Doctors are here."
  6. I wonder how many of the people that were griping about Facebook's privacy a little while back kept Tom as their Myspace friend.
  7. Same reason I asked someone on the Facebook thread if their name is Tom. Tom, heh, there's one for the where are they now file.
  8. Your post sounded like something Mark Zuckerberg might say.
  9. Does you name happen to be Mark?
  10. I wonder if his name happens to be Tom.
  11. Actually, his career would be entirely different if he only sold one copy per release. He'd probably work at Lionel Playworld, just to get the employee discount so he could buy toy trains.
  12. Pearl Jam's early post-Ten tours were in clubs and then 4000-5000 seat theaters. It was only after MTV got ahold of them that the big shows came along. Still, for a first album, that's pretty impressive. I'm thinking more along the lines of The Who Live at Leeds, following the release of Tommy - 2100 people (assuming it was sold out). Any concert at Winterland - 5400 people when sold out. It wasn't until the mid '70s that it was the norm for bands to start playing stadiums and basketball arenas. At this point, I can't even remember why we're talking about this.
  13. I have mixed feelings about this. I've never been able to get into Sleater-Kinney, but I love Mary Timony. I was hoping Mary's Soft Power group would get going, but they seem to have stalled. Fingers crossed for badassness.
  14. I stand corrected on Floyd. I shouldn't have used them as an example and I should have said "many" rather than "most", but I stand by the general statement. Many of the classic rock groups who now play stadiums or arenas were not playing large venues during the time their best material was being released. Tinnitus, since I was asking you, and not Okie, is this how you would define "major rock act"?
  15. I don't believe I ever used the words "filling arenas." Please find a quote.
  16. There are plenty more than just those three. Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Arcade Fire, Rush, Widespread Panic, Justin Beiber, Tom Petty, etc. are all doing well this summer.
  17. Time will tell. You'll see Creed and Nickelback selling arenas well into the future, and I predict HORDE reunion package shows, and that type of thing will take the place of REO/STYX type of package shows once they call it quits. Jack Johnson will be the new Jimmy Buffett. John Mayer will be the new Capton/sappy fake blues guitar slinger...if he isn't already. Then there are dozens of package shows with newer acts each year (Vans Warped tour being one). I think there'll be plenty of shows to fill schedules.
  18. I don't really follow current acts and it's been years since I've been to a venue with 5,000+ capacity, so I can only name a few of those acts. I think it's a bit short sighted to try to tell the future and pretend there won't be any younger arena acts. Kings of Leon and Arcade Fire both play arenas, and both released their debuts after 1998. I'm sure the full roster is much longer than that. Avenged Sevenfold, and other groups like them play arenas, too. You're probably going to be surprised in 20 years by how many of these groups are still playing large venues. Please note...I
  19. Surely you see the fallacy in comparing 30 years to "current."
  20. My guess is they can manage it until Kings of Leon and Weezer become the new Styx and REO Speedwagon. Or, 2017, to be specific. Give or take a year.
  21. This comment (or similar) has been made a few times now, and I'm not sure I can go along with it. There are numerous current rock acts that play arenas and sheds. Kings of Leon, Arcade Fire, Radiohead, Weezer, etc. all play 15,000+ venues when they come to my city. Most of the stadium acts, such as the Stones, Floyd, etc. played fairly small venues in their heyday. Almost none of the classic acts played stadiums when they were producing their best work. Maybe I don't know what you mean by "major rock act." Can an "indie band", such as Arcade Fire, not be a "major rock act"? If no
  22. You probably know this, as it's common knowledge, but... The reason Nels is in the band is because Tweedy was a fan and wanted him specifically for the band. It's not like there was a cattle-call audition and Nels happened to win the gig. An audition winner probably would need to keep his head down and toe the line. But Nels was specifically asked by Tweedy to join, and Tweedy was well aware of what Nels would have to give up (and what Nels' musical associates stood to lose) if he accepted the offer, so I doubt Nels is hanging by a thread. Having said all that, I'm sure Nels is in awe
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