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Everything posted by jff

  1. jff

    New album news!

    So Nels' solo in Ashes is not emotional? Hmm. I literally teared up in Knoxville during that solo. My emotions must need recalibration. Or probably I'm just a pussy.
  2. jff

    New album news!

    Me, too. I'm glad they're still doing that.
  3. jff

    New album news!

    That'd be a good album cover.
  4. jff

    New album news!

    Both of those options > Summerteeth
  5. I'd be bummed if Mike Watt didn't have his Hootpage. http://www.hootpage.com/
  6. Great color, but I'm not a fan of single pickup guitars.
  7. Sounds like my dad. But when the rats chewed through the drier vent and got into the house my mom made him get rid of the food.
  8. I read a few years ago that these jokers are among the highest selling bands of all time. I think I live a fairly mainstream life (listening to radio, watching tv, shopping at the mall and target, etc.) so I'm sure I've heard some of their songs, probably a bunch of times, but I couldn't name or hum a single one.
  9. Is this the band with the singer who got his ass kicked in Puerto Rico?
  10. I saw that tour, too. Unfortunately it was before I really knew their music. Televsion releases were kind of hard to come by back then. I knew I would regret it if I didn't go, and at the time the only song I knew was Call Mr. Lee because it was getting a lot of play on college radio. That's still a great song, even though people try to pretend that "reunion" album is awful. Anyway, I bought a live cd from the '92 tour last night (Live at the Academy NYC 12/04/92). I'm listening to it now (Call Mr Lee is coming up next...edit, it's on now, YEAH!). 2/3 of the cd is songs from the reunio
  11. I saw Richard Lloyd in concert last night. He has Billy Ficca on drums. I saw them a few months ago and they were good, but this time they were on another level. Amazing. I got to chat with Billy and the bass player for a few minutes. Super nice fellows. Any fan of Television should go see this show.
  12. Unless I overlooked it nobody mentioned Ciccone Youth "The Whitey Album". Pretty good verion of Robert Palmer's "Addicted to Love" on that one.
  13. Savoy Truffle? That song is so lovable.
  14. Carla Bozulich's Red Headed Stranger.
  15. I stopped listening to new Sonic Youth albums after 1000 Leaves. I think I'll remedy that.
  16. Oh good, I won't be going to any of those shows.
  17. I agree. Christ probably had the worst sense of humor ever.
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