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Everything posted by jff

  1. jff

    Wilco Worship

    Well, I'm really talking about Americans and not the entire world. I don't know what "the C&E variety" is, but I do think the vast majority of people who attend church in America would be more than willing to miss one church service to go to a concert.
  2. jff

    Wilco Worship

    I should have said "How many church goers would skip a concert because going to the concert would cause them to miss church?" I believe the answer is virtually none.
  3. jff

    Wilco Worship

    I'm saying A concert is more meaningful and important to most people (church goers included) than A church service. How many church goers would skip a concert if it meant they had to miss one church service?
  4. jff

    Wilco Worship

    I always found church excruciatingly boring. The same tired rituals and bad singing every week (or often twice a week, as we had mass at my catholic high school on most Wednesdays). A typical concert by a band I like couldn't be more different or more better than a typical church service. There's no contest at all. I find it hard to believe that a regular church goer would say that a single church service is just as meaningful and important to them as a single concert by a band they like.
  5. Nobody made fun of me at Best Buy when I bought Neko Case and Kelly Clarkson cds and a Traffic dvd. Maybe after I left they said "Traffic, pffft...who listens to that shit?".
  6. It's nice to hear how terrible cable TV is since I'm finally getting cable on Saturday.
  7. I've been working on this since 1989. I don't think I'll ever achieve it. I'm probably closer to finishing Miles or Dylan (both of whom have some serious garbage in their catalog).
  8. Excessive skipping might be a turntable problem, and not a record problem.
  9. wow, really? That sucks. You can get near perfect vinyl all day long in Atlanta for $5 (give or take a buck or two).
  10. My bath towel is bigger than that. EDIT: Wait, math error. I was thinking 2 feet x 4 feet. 8 by 8 feet is enough room for thousands of records. I see this as a good thing, although I very, very rarely buy new vinyl. I'm all about the $1 bin.
  11. I thought it was a deck at first. The roofline of the german restaurant looked like it was the top facade of a two or three story building to me, and the railing contributed to the illusion. Now that I've seen the non-camel version of the photo I see the image for what it is.
  12. History'll never be special, Jon Stewart or no Jon Stewart
  13. Looks like in underestimated how frequently this happens.
  14. No reason that couldn't be Jeff's dad, but it probably isn't.
  15. I don't know. Who cleans up after Nels?
  16. They could probably cut it down by about $.000000000000000000000000001 billion if they'd opt for freeze dried yellow mustard instead of dijon.
  17. Me too, but let's be realistic. That can't be topped.
  18. My first albums I owned were a K-tel Beach Boys LP, the Eagle's "The Long Run" and several Kiss albums. All gifts from adults, and all LPs. The first music I bought with my own money (cassettes) were Van Halen 1984 and the first David Lee Roth release. Then I got Van Halen 1 and didn't buy any other music for three or four years. Those years were spent being shuttled around by my dad listening to the Big Chill soundtrack, and a little bit odf Neil Diamond. Eventually, I got a casette with Dead Kennedy's "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables" on one side and Circle Jerks "Wonderful" on the
  19. That was going on when he was playing with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers (after the Yardbirds, but before Cream). Blues purists in England really loved him.
  20. An elephant would have been too heavy for that deck.
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