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Everything posted by jff

  1. I have to admit that even though I'm not into the songs I've heard from that one, I have not heard it in it's entirety. I'll have to check my library catalog for that one. There's probably some good stuff on there that I haven't heard. To be fair, there are probably a number of songs on their best albums that I wouldn't be that into if I heard them out of the context of the album. Beasties, for me, are an album band (and were also a killer live band most of the times I saw them).
  2. I don't know if I've ever bought anything for 1 cent, but I've bought quite a few cds in the $1 or less range, including: Bloc: In The Free Zone (A '90s Nels band, which he describes as "the most '80s sounding record of the '90s" and "dual strat attack") Currently available on Amazon for 1 cent. Bob: Complex Organism Blues (A '90s Atlanta band. This cd has been virtually impossible to find in Atlanta for the last ten years or so.) Butterflies: Bored Room (Another '90s Atlanta band. I couldn't find an image for this one, so the image attached is actualy their 2nd, self titled album,
  3. That's a great idea. There's a place in Athens, Georgia called Nuci's Space that helps out musicians and artists. Nuci Phillips was an Athens musician who suffered from depression and committed suicide, and Nuci's Space was opened by his parents after his death. Their focus, naturally, is on depression and psycholigical issues, but they offer a number of services to the communuity. http://www.nuci.org/
  4. I'd settle for the band Kansas seceeding.
  5. You'll get no argument from me. I presented those two touring scenario mostly as a joke. Touring is definitely a grind, no matter how much luxury you afford yourself (unless you're Paul McCartney, or Madonna or something, then it's probably pretty cushy). Hell, how many times does Nels switch guitars in a typical show? That alone is probably enough to cause aches and pains after a while.
  6. Best song titles since Check Your Head. Hopefully the music will be good this time around. I love the Beasties, but my enjoyment of their music took a dive starting with Hello Nasty.
  7. Well, try closing your eyes. If you like what you hear, then who cares what he has to do with his body to reate the sound?
  8. I think there are plenty of examples of him doing exactly this. The solo in Ashes being an obvious example. Either Way is another. There were numerous examples of this when I saw him with the Singers and with Carla Bozulich. I don't think he should be limited to doing just that, though. Some somgs call for a more violent approach.
  9. One of the coolest sounding things I ever heard was a song playing in a clothing boutique in Rome. I went in to see if they could direct me to a restroom. I would have asked what the music was, but they pretended not to understand my broken Italian (it really wasn't THAT bad, and I could tell they were bullshitting me) when I asked about the bathroom, so I didn't bother asking about the music.
  10. These things probably gained a LOT of value now that St. Vincent is so popular. 1997 is a long time ago. I passed up a lot of great deals back then, and if I still had all the equipment I had during the '90s I'd be able to make a very nice chunk of cash.
  11. I never know either. Maybe it'd be easier if there was an all encompasing Nels thread (and same for Pat, Mikael, Glen, etc.), for posting Nels news, interviews, concert dates, etc. That might get cumbersome, though. And stalkerish.
  12. You mean, like: Traveling in a climate controlled bus and playing catered venues after the equipment was loaded, set up and maintained by roadies, while getting a nice, steady paycheck. vs. Traveling in a crowded van which may or may not be tourworthy or air conditioned, loading and maintaining all his own gear and playing sweaty dumps, only to arrive home with less money than he had before the tour started? I'm just giving you a hard time. You have a valid point. I would think being away from his own music for so long, and only getting to play with his own band during breaks from Wi
  13. I have three of these things. All collecting dust.
  14. Interesting interview. It's a bummer to hear him question whether or not he likes his own music, but by his own admission Nels has long suffered from self-doubt.
  15. These CIJ guitars, are they still being made? If not, when were they in production? '80s? I always hear they're as good as or better than their USA counterparts. Anyway, sounds like you got a bargain. What color did you get?
  16. jff

    Show Posters

    Sometimes they do a poster for a whole tour, rather than for individual shows. I was hoping there'd be a poster for the Knoxville show that was on my birthday in April, but the spring tour had one poster for the whole tour. It's a cool poster, and I might buy one, but I was hoping for a one-off poster.
  17. I'm certain mine will arrive on Friday. I ordered the vinyl/cd combo. We are currently having a severe heat wave and I am going out of town Friday morning. I expect to return home to find a melted Wilco LP sitting by my front door.
  18. jff

    Watt & Nels

    The drummer is Bob Lee. I don't know when the album is due, though. Hopefully very soon, since he already has yet another album recorded.
  19. I have that one. It's pretty awesome, but it's probably not a good choice if you want the features that a digital delay offers.
  20. Wasn't the drummer in Blink 182 in an airplane crash last year and almost died? I'm not a fan of this band, or the pop-punk style of music, but it's pretty amazing that someone can nearly lose his life in such a violent way and then get back into good enough shape to play drums the way he does.
  21. This is a pretty shrewd financial maneuver. I hope Wilco will continue making enough money to live comfortably, but if that doesn't turn out to be the case, Tweedy will have his hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of guitars and amps that he can sell for a nice profit.
  22. I was just about to ask who would be the first to have the guts to mention the Shins. It's like they've become the band who shall not be named. I'd put the first two Shins albums in my best of the decade list. Maybe not top ten, but definitely top 50.
  23. jff

    Too Epic...

    Not epic enough. Looking on the bright side, though, Wilco has the potential to double Rush's double-neckness. Jeff, John and Pat...it is your destiny.
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