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Everything posted by jff

  1. Those both sound like good burgers. I typically go with medium (even if they over or under cook it it still comes out within the MR-MW range, which works for me), swiss cheese*, bacon, mustard (preferably dijon, but regular is ok, too), lettuce and pickles. I usually flip the burger upside down to eat it so my thumb doesn't sink into the soggy bottom bun. *If I'm eating a bison burger I usually get american cheese. Obama should sue his ass off! I'll bet one of his staffers pulled him and Joe aside before they left and begged them not to get swiss cheese.
  2. Clearly, this album cover is a commentary on the impending obsolescence of the album cover. And that camel looks a lot like Jay Bennett.
  3. I thought that's what Jeff Tweedy said. Maybe not. Who cares, just dig the Moonmadness.
  4. You have obviously fallen victim to the Dijon-Gate media cover-up. http://legalinsurrection.blogspot.com/2009...on-mustard.html
  5. On AGIB they tipped their hat to NEU!. On SBS they tipped their hat to Relatively Clean Rivers. This time...
  6. Perhaps Obama heard the employee ask the person in front of him how they'd like their burger cooked and when he ordered, he didn't wait to be asked, he just told them, making their day a little easier. If every customer would do that, it would make their workday a lot easier.
  7. So now the problem is that he ordered it medium well? This is all horse-shit. All presidents go out for burgers and bring the media along for the ride.
  8. Are you serious? He knows the word dijon, therefore he is not like a regular guy? If that's the case, I never want to have anything to do with "regular" people ever again.
  9. Depends whose lawyers you ask.
  10. I'm already working on the sound collage in Less Than You Think You Should Have Been Payed. I'm having a little trouble getting the right balance between the sounds of cash registers, gavel banging and briefcases latches opening and closing, but it should be ready in time for Vol. 2.
  11. jff

    TJ Doherty

    OK, I have the magazine. PM me with your address if you'd like me to mail it to you.
  12. I thought the punchline was "word on the street near the loft". Heh.
  13. His lawyer told him to keep his hatred under wraps.
  14. Yes he does, and because of that, Tweedy definitely owes him a bundle of cash. Henneman should sue Tweedy's ass off. One day in the future Chicago lawyers are going to look back on these days as the golden age of shisterdom.
  15. For the record, the reviewer is the founder and president of Pitchfork. Pathetic.
  16. In Atlanta the main place where people go to get the new releases by "cool" bands is Criminal Records. I read an article about Criminal and the state of the music retail economy a year or so ago. They said when Pitchfork gave something a high score, sales went through the roof.
  17. Thanks for the tips. I didn't know Lisher did a solo record.
  18. I have done. I saw them live once (opening for King Missile, of all things). They were great. I have two of their records, one I really like (Meridian) and the other I don't like as much (The Cosmodemonic Telegraph Company...on that one, Lisher does sort of fall into the guitar exercises trap I mentioned earlier).
  19. Definitely. They probably top the list of favorite bands I have never seen live.
  20. "Are your fries pretty good? Can you vouch for your fries under oath in front of a judge and jury of your peers?" Obama asked. Good point. The last thing Jeff Tweedy needs is for Billy Bragg to file an amicus brief on Bennett's behalf.
  21. The tribute album song list is filling up fast. Time to start thinking of album titles. Being Sued Lawyerteeth Midwest Courtroom Fistfight A Jury is Born Kicking (Ass on Court) Television Bennett v. Tweedy (The Lawsuit) Misdemeanor Avenue Misdemeanor Avenue II: On Appeal Misdemeanor Avenue III: Mr. Bennett Goes to Washington
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