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Everything posted by jff

  1. True, but that's a better track record than Aerosmith. I guess Aerosmith fans, and Rush fans to a slightly lesser extent, have no problem buying the same songs over and over. In defense of Aerosmith and their fans, at least their live albums dont sound exatly like the studio albums. It's still surprising to me that Rush ranks higher than, say, The Who, Beach Boys, AC/DC, etc. I guess a lot of the big selling bands don't have all that many albums, and the artists who do have a lot of albums, like Dylan, Clapton, Pink Floyd and Neil Young put out a lot of relatively weak sellers.
  2. Exactly, and it's manipulative and intentionally annoying because even though it isn't louder than the regular programming, and isn't illegal (assuming a previous poster's comments are correct), if the show was that loud all the way through, almost nobody would tune in. But back to signal strength, are the TV stations boosting their signal power during commercial breaks or something? I can think of no other explanation for why the picture quality is always impeccable during commercials, and is usualy very touchy during programming. The picture quality often goes from distorted to pristine
  3. According to that article, Rush has 24 consecutive gold/platinum albums, so Aerosmith must have 11+ comps/live albums.
  4. It's amazing to me that Rush are behind only the Beatles, Stones and Aerosmith in terms the number of consecutive gold or platinum records. Actually, I can't figure out how Aerosmith is on that list since they don't have all that many records.
  5. I agree Truth and Zeppelin are not SO similar as to be considered theft. But it's not just "You Shook Me", and it's not just Beck, or Small Faces. Zeppelin stole from all over the place. So much so that one could argue it was their standard practice. (For the record, I like Led Zeppelin and think they wrote a lot of great original material.) Compare Page's "Black Mountain Side" with Bert Janch's "Blackwaterside". Note for note rip off, except Page's is instrumental and he added a sub-par part to the end. It's easy to find other examples on the web. Here's a start: http://therecord.
  6. They probably rationalise it by matcing the volume of the commercial to the loudest sound in the tv show. So, if you're watching a show with gunfire and explosions, the commercial can be as loud as the sound of gunfire or explosions and not be considered louder than the tv show.
  7. I don't have an antenna on the roof. The signal doesn't get fuzzy like analog tv, it just freezes for a second or two, or it sort of pixelates (if that's the right term) and sometimes the signal gets lost completely, making the screen go black with a little floating box that says "no signal".
  8. Thanks for the dates. I thought Truth was first, but could not confirm. It's an indisputable fact that Zeppelin blatantly ripped off a LOT of material from other artists. I must've been looking at a different magazine, but I'll keep an eye out for that one.
  9. I have tickets to the show and a hotel booked, and I intend to drive up from Atlanta, followed by two nights in Cloudland Canyon with my wife and dog. Unfortunately, my wife's grandma is in hospice, so we might wind up having to cancel at the last minute. x 2
  10. Please do. Is this the "guitars heroes" issue, or "classic rock guitar gods", or something like that? I saw that on the newsstand a couple weeks ago and almost bought it. Looked like there were a lot of good interviews.
  11. I've noticed that, too. I assumed the commercials were louder because they want to get their message across even if you try to ignore them, or leave the room, and not because of anything having to do with the signal.
  12. Maybe someone here will know the answer to this... I get my TV signal through a rabbit ear antenna and a digital converter box. When I'm watching TV, if I make the slightest movement, the reception deteriorates and sometimes the signal gets lost completely. However, when the commercials come on, the picture is clear as a bell and can not be disrupted no matter how much I move. Then when the program comes back on, the signal gets touchy again. Anyone know why this is happening?
  13. My birthday is on the 18th and these awful events tend to happen within a day or two of that date. I've heard the hitler's birthday theory before, as Analogman proposed. Maybe there's something to that.
  14. Tickets would be more expensive if the band had to carry a large wardrobe. I was in a band in the '90s that did a two week stint opening for Superchunk, and they wore the exact same shirt and pants every single night. Granted, that was a much smaller scale tour than a Wilco tour, but I think bands do this because it's easier and cheaper to carry fewer clothes, and wash your sweat-and-smoke-soaked stage clothes every few days (or even every day, if possible). If you carry lots of clothing and wear a variety of outfits on stage, all of it will wind up sweat-and-smoke-soaked and will ALL ha
  15. Why is it that this stuff always happens in April? Columbine, Waco, Oklahoma City, Virginia Tech.
  16. I'm not sure this is the best thread for this, but here's some info on YET ANOTHER cd featuring Nels: Taken from Downtown Music Gallery's weekly email: STEPHEN GAUCI QUARTET With NELS CLINE/KEN FILIANO/MIKE PRIDE - Red Feast (Cadence 1216; USA) Featuring Stephen Gauci on tenor sax, Nels Cline on guitar & electronics, Ken Filiano on bass & electronics and Mike Pride on drums. I was intrigued to see the line-up on this disc since some of the folks had never played together and had come from different backgrounds. It came together due to a friend of Steve's who on the crew for
  17. Many of the most highly regarded acts discussed on this website haven't put out anything but absolute garbage in years or even decades (some of whom have their own very lengthy threads), yet nobody is calling for them to quit.
  18. I'd call that a two record downward trend since YHF was widely considered their peak.
  19. I just read an interview with Garcia last week. He said he gave up the pedal steel because he wasn't good enough at it, and trying to get good enough was damaging his guitar playing ability, so he chose to devote himself to the guitar.
  20. There's a pedal steel player on the first Brian Blade Fellowship record (maybe the other records, too, I never checked those out). I didn't care for this album, but I like the idea of using pedal steel in a jazz project.
  21. Yeah, he was obviously talking about income taxes during the campaign.
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