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Everything posted by jff

  1. Then, when he made a fairly accurate assumption of what it is, he said he couldn't dig it. Thanks for the link. I never would have found that otherwise. Lots of interesting info, though it was tough to trudge through such a poorly edited piece.
  2. That's, like, every five seconds at my house.
  3. Is there a good place to have dinner before the show within a few blocks of the venue?
  4. I was going to mention something about superglue before I read that. One of my old bandmates had a vintage acoustic guitar (a Kay, or Silvertone, or some other lower-end vintage archtop instrument) that had the neck re-set. The repair was done by an inexperienced repairman, who used superglue and set the neck slightly out of whack, which made accurate tuning impossible. Some time later the guitar was taken to a real guitar repair shop where my friend was informed that the guitar would probably not be able to withstand the heat required to undo the superglue.
  5. Not as good as I wanted it to be.
  6. jff


    I don't know of any evidence to support the argument that KOL is playing music they don't really want to play just for the sake of popularity in the states, but if that is the case then you're right. If they're huge in Europe, why would they change and risk losing that popularity? Or, do they revert to what they used to look and sound like when they go to Europe? That'd be a pretty funny trick. Like you, I prefer their blue jeans, moustaches and long hair look to the hair gel and mad max jackets look they've been sporting for the last few years. At least they still have good taste
  7. I'll bet if they brought Jay back he'd walk out into the audience during AGIG and SBS songs and start chatting about all the stuff he contributed to YHF.
  8. jff


    Why is that sad? It's not like their earlier material was designed to appeal to small audiences.
  9. I didn't do the Inca Trail, but everyone says it's incredible. Maybe someday. On the bright side, I probably would not have climbed Wayna Picchu if I had taken the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. After seeing numerous people at the Cuzco airport who could barely walk from all the blisters on their feet, I'd advise bringing a large stash of Dr. Scholl's products if the Inca Trail is on your itinerary.
  10. I can second this. Haystack Rock is majestic. If you like rock formations on/near the shore, an obvious destination is Cabo. Haystack Rock at Canon Beach: Cabo San Lucas:
  11. Did someone just mention Insane Clown Posse?
  12. At least now they're sitting at a table where you can see them. They used to hide behind desks in high rise buildings. That's the only change.
  13. They basically killed whatever was left of Eric Clapton's desire to play in Cream, so they had a pretty significant impact on British music with one album, too.
  14. I'd take front row balcony over any floor seat beyond the fifth row anyday. Good to hear that all the seats are great. Makes me feel good about my not so great floor seats.
  15. how do you buy tickets? Ticketmaster isn't listing this show.
  16. Awesome. Totally awesome. I might have to go home early today and fiddle with my amp.
  17. And then you have the ones in which the parts are made in America, then shipped to Mexico for assembly. I think those are the ones named after players...Muddy Waters Tele, Jimmy Vaughan Strat, etc.
  18. Phish is probably one of the more influential bands that is still active. I can't back this up with facts, but I believe the example they set with shows like Clifford Ball, or whatever they called those shows, there probabyl would not be a Bonaroo, Coachella, etc.
  19. Limbaugh's tv show came on after Letterman, right? I remember seeing it a number of times. I didn't fail because it wasn't liberal enough. It failed because it wasn't funny enough to follow Letterman.
  20. Make sure to climb to the top of Wayna Picchu (aka Huayna Picchu, the peak in the middle of the photo). It's worth it.
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