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Everything posted by jff

  1. You'd think since he supposedly reinvented the guitar they'd at least show a picture of it.
  2. jff

    Nels Cline

    I don't think Crypto has ever issued anything on vinyl. There was some talk of putting out an album of improvs that were recorded during the sessions for the most recent NC Singers album. I'll bet the economy has decreased the liklihood of that happening. If I had known Crypto already shipped pre-orders I would have pre-ordered Coward Damn. I ordered so much from them a few years ago they started sending me personalized thank you notes with each package
  3. jff

    Nels Cline

    All About Jazz posted a review of Nels' new album which comes out next week. They're insinuating that it is an album by which all of his other output will be judged: http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=31708 Hopefully they'll do another interview with him soon.
  4. It's actually a privately owned park, if I'm not mistaken. Or maybe it's state owned land, but the state sells the rights to run it to a private interest. I can't remeber exactly. Considering that, it's surprising that the nature aspect of the park is as pristine as it is. I don't have anything against bas-reliefs. I think I'd rather see Devils Tower, regardless of how goofy the Stone Mountain carving is.
  5. Yeah, but in it's defense, the park is actually very nice if you stick to the hiking trails and the mountain itself and avoid the fake old-timey village and the laser show.
  6. I'd much rather see Devils Tower, but I'm probably slanted since I've seen this abuse of nature so many times (including yesterday):
  7. I had a bad dream about that thing a couple nights ago. Has anyone died from falling off it yet?
  8. Vashti Bunyan can be described similarly. Not damaged, nor shut in, but she walked away, oblivious to the growing cult status of her music.
  9. Hopefully someone will come along with some more info. I've been thinking of trying this with my Deluxe Reverb, but I don't have the knowhow and I don't know if I want to gamble with whatever the risks are. The guitar player in my old band used to do this, but I never heard him plugged straight into one channel, so I have no idea how the sound was improved by bridging the two channels.
  10. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing him, but I remember reading some articles when he resurfaced. William Parker sent him one of his extra basses because Grimes no longer owned one and didn't have any way to buy one.
  11. Henry Grimes. Free jazz bassist, disappeared for 30+ years and was presumed to be dead, resurfaced a few years ago. Nels Cline played with him on some of the first gigs after he resurfaced. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Grimes
  12. Peter Green, Fleetwood Mac guitarist who lost his marbles after a fan dosed him with bad acid.
  13. Genius british acoustic guitarist, probably best known (thanks to Simon & Garfunkel) for writing "Anji", a staple of the folk guitar repertoire, sidelined for years by drug addiction, resurfaced in recent years, died last month. That's pretty much all I know about him. I wish I was more familiar with his music. http://www.daveygraham.moonfruit.com/
  14. Captain Beefheart (shut in since early '80s) Miles Davis (shut in circa '75-'80)
  15. Heh, I drive by that shithole all the time. It's too bad. That area used to be full of modest homes hidden inside a densely wooded area. In the past few years the area has been losing thousands of trees as enormous homes pop up by the dozen.
  16. Yeah, I used to see his records a lot when I used to frequent the local jazz bins. I always passed them up though. I'm not sure why. I'll check some of his records out next chance I get.
  17. I remember Fathead used to sit in with the World's Most Dangerous Band a lot in the late '80s when Letterman was on NBC. Unfortunately, aside from his work backing up Ray Charles that's about all the exposure I ever had to his playing.
  18. I was going to say "Talkin' Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues", but I assumed every early Dylan song had been named.
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