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Everything posted by jff

  1. When is this show, and when is the public on-sale date? I might have to drive up from Atlanta for this one. EDIT: Nevermind, I just found out it's on my birthday. Set road trip planning sequence in 3..2...1...
  2. I had a MIM strat until recently, and I have a higher end MIM Tele (the Muddy Waters model). Both are solid and perfectly playable instruments. Tele's are such simple instruments that you could probably tell right away if something were wrong with it. I think new MIM Teles sold for $299 in the mid-late '90s. There are probably hundreds (if not thousands) of used MIM Fenders on the market these days in the $175 - $250 range.
  3. Dave Mattacks would be an awesome drummer for Wilco.
  4. http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/news.php?id=30223
  5. That's certainly a possibility. I just find it odd that rather than helping him, it's being filmed by a family member. Usually when someone gets a lot of attention in the media for being a mess their publicist releases a statement trying to explain the behavior. That hasn't happened this time, suggesting to me that there isn't a problem. If there is a problem, that makes Casey Affleck a much bigger asshole than anyone ever imagined Ben Affleck to be.
  6. jff

    Nels Cline

    My copy arrived yesterday. I haven't listened to Onan Suite yet, but the rest of this cd is excellent. I was kind of surprised to hear the old song from the Nels Cline Trio days on this one (The Divine Homegirl). That song is one of the shining moments from the Trio era, in my opinion. I spent an hour last night learning the first part of that song on my guitar.
  7. Only Phoenix and his people know for sure. I'm just offering evidence.
  8. Is anyone close to Phoenix expressing any real concern? Has his publicist made the obligatory PR statement regarding his Letterman appearance? No. That doesn't seem odd to you?
  9. He's been acting that way a lot on TV lately. This isn't a new development.
  10. Fair enough. I still say it's an act, but we'll find out soon enough.
  11. But if that were the case, why would his brother-in-law be filming him, and why would his agent be setting him up with embarassing and potentially career damaging appearances on TV shows?
  12. Is this going to be the first time there was no lineup change between albums?
  13. And as a result, we all have a major problem.
  14. I'm shocked that that guy is not a representative from Georgia.
  15. Including. Miles wanted to knock out Thelonious Monk, but he knew Monk could throw him through a wall, so he decided to bottle it up.
  16. Exactly. On the DVD that came with SBS, Tweedy said that he just wanted to do simple straightforward songs for that album.
  17. I'd be willing to bet that there was at least one person who came within an inch of getting knocked out during the making of every Miles Davis album.
  18. 4 hours is still a pretty epic set, no matter who the band is.
  19. My Morning jacket played a 16 hour set leat year?
  20. I would also suggest listening to his playing in other bands, like Mike Watt's "Contemplating the Engine Room" and "Ball Hog or Tug-Boat", or Geraldine Fibbers' "Butch", or Carla Bozulich's "Red Headed Stranger". These will give you an idea of how wide ranging his playing is within the context of a rock or country band. SBS is only a narrow representation of what he has to offer, and might not offer much of a clue as to what the next album will sound like.
  21. If this isn't an act, he has a very shitty agent.
  22. Well, yeah it's always a treat to see the Max Wienberg 7. Those guys are a hoot.
  23. Agreed. There are a couple good djs now, and there were some terrible ones on XM, but overall, aside from the celebrity djs, the quality has gone down the toilet. Yesterday, they played a Tom Waits song and the dj comes on and says something like 'wow, how can you even speak after such a beautiful song...you just want to let it linger for a while". Then she goes on a lengthy, boring spiel. So much for letting the song linger. Just like commercial radio, they find one song by a new band and play that song to death. I only have Sirius in the car, and I don't think I've driven anywher
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