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Everything posted by jff

  1. Other band names they considered: Datsfomino Dobiddly Rittlelichard Bramesjown
  2. I thought they were horrible at Lollapalooza, too. I wrote them off entirely after that. If I'm not mistaken, they followed the Beastie Boys, who put on an amazing show.
  3. Jerry Lee Lewis. He hit the stage two hours late and played lame versions of his tunes on a fake piano.
  4. jff


    You might enjoy Tape Op magazine. It's FREE. It's focus is on recording, but I think a lot of their articles would appeal to a much wider range of folks than just recording engineers.
  5. jff


    It's the one with the blonde girl and non-descript guy on the cover, if that helps.
  6. I know a lot of people who would eagerly trade their stock portfolio for a bunch of hogs these days.
  7. jff


    A couple years ago I said I thought Paste was the worst of the "good" music magazines, and I was roundly criticized here and elsewhere for that opinion. I bought a subscription a several months ago when they were offering a pay what you want deal. Minimum $1...I gave them $2. To date I've gotten about 5 cents worth of return on my investment. I'd like nothing more than to see them put out a quality product and succeed, being that their based only a few miles from my home, but they consistently fall FAR flat of my lowest expectations.
  8. I had no idea such a thing exists. I'm definitely going to get that one.
  9. I've been thinking of getting that one. Is it worth buying if I already have the Fillmore and Ludlow cds?
  10. The first time I heard that version I could not believe my ears. I'm still amazed that they were able to play that so well with acoustic instruments.
  11. The Initiative? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Initiative_(Buffyverse) Or maybe that stupid club Bush and Kerry are in? Snake Eyes, or some shit?
  12. Johnny Neel was with them the first time I saw them. Amazing show...maybe the best time I saw them, too. It rained the whole time, which seems to inspire bands and also runs off most of the people who are there to chat or party leaving an audience full of people who are truly engaged in the music.
  13. If so, maybe they could argue their case before Judge Mathis.
  14. I think that came about because Dicky punched a cop, and was being detained.
  15. Yeah, I think that's right. He played really well at the drum clinic, and I regret missing the show he did with the full band. I know they went through quite a few guitarists at that time. Jimmy Herring did a stint, and if I'm not mistaken Zakk Wylde even did a show or two.
  16. I used to go see them every year in Atlanta during the Dickey/Warren Haynes/Allen Woody years. It was always my most anticipated and favorite concert of the year. One year there was a huge downpour the day of the show and the stage flooded causing the show to be postponed until a few days later. I remember Dickey went on the classic rock station to explain the situation. He said "all that rain flooded the crick and washed out the stage". I haven't seen the Allmans in a long time. Not since Dickey's firing. I always mean to go se them, especially since I think Derek Trucks is so inc
  17. I like Husker Du and Bob's solo albums, and I like some of Sugar, but his solo show was monotonous. He was sitting in a chair playing one of those crappy sounding Ovation acoustics, playing and singing with no sense of dynamics whatsoever. Every song was the same tempo and same volume. This must've been in '97, or so. Maybe he was just having a bad night, but that show put a big and everlasting dent in my desire to see any more solo acoustic shows.
  18. I had two third row tickets for this Pearl Jam show in '94: http://www.discogs.com/release/1115938 But I sold them to a broker for $250 (big money back then) and spent the money on a roadtrip to Ohio with a friend to see these two Dead shows: http://www.archive.org/details/gd94-03-20....5464.sbeok.shnf http://www.archive.org/details/gd94-03-21....6258.sbeok.shnf
  19. Damn, some of those vintage instruments are cheaper than a new run-of-the-mill Gibson.
  20. Yeah, that guy's annoying. Did you see the lineup with Bjork and the other gal, or was it the Bjork and a bunch of dudes lineup? There's nothing boring about the right side of that photo. Most boring band i ever saw: Crash Test Dummies
  21. Must've been '92 or '93. Granted, they were playing in a college gymnasium (no alcohol allowed), which is a pretty sterile environment for a concert. I'd give them the benefit of the doubt, but I saw Beastie Boys, Fishbone, Mike Watt and Primus in the same gym within a year of the SD show and those were some of the best shows I've ever seen. I remember that prima donna Mike Ness storming off after a meathead jumped on stage and stole his hat. A dick move from the meathead, for sure, but I have it on good authority that the band was saving their "classic" material for a lengthy encore. The
  22. Social Distortion. I really wanted to like this one, but I was bored to tears.
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