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Everything posted by jff

  1. Hall & Oates, Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings, Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue. It should be a very &-y kind of show.
  2. I learned a lot more about Nels from that interview than I did about Les or Sean, which is weird because I went into it knowing a lot about Nels, and very little about Les or Sean. I still know very little about Les and Sean. Nels tried, but they insisted on mostly giving joke answers.
  3. Free Jazz's lawyer, Dolph Y. Ericson, esq. will be contacting you shortly to discuss their libel suit against you, KevinG.
  4. Jeff's dry humor was a little too dry on that clip. He seemed annoyed and disengaged.
  5. One of my longest friendships is with a guy who started following Maitreya some years back, and he now believes that Sanders is a divine savior, which he calls "the Avatar." Or conversely, and depending on who he's talking to, a Sanders presidency will open some sort of portal that brings forth the Avatar.
  6. Cruz would have stacked the courts with religious extremists. Trump will stack the courts with judges who pander to business interests. Both would be pretty terrible.
  7. OK, so now that we're on the topic of the supreme court, it needs to be pointed out that a president typically appoints hundreds of federal court judges. To date, Obama has placed 324 judges on the federal bench. George W. Bush appointed 327. Bill Clinton, 379. H.W. Bush, 197 in a one term. These are extremely important appointments, but they always to go ignored when it comes to promoting one's favored candidate with the "think of the supreme court" line.
  8. I'm going to start a band called Zappa and ride the publicity train as far as it'll take me.
  9. It'll be interesting to see which states flip from red to blue, or vice versa, this election. It'll also be interesting to see who Trump's VP choice will be, because if he wins, once his first security briefing scares him so badly that he resigns, that is who will be president.
  10. All the GOP will have to do to paint Hillary as the most evil person who has ever lived is parrot the FB comments made by Bernie supporters.
  11. I have some Sander supporting friends who have been going after Clinton like rabid dogs for months. These are people I know well, but I've seen the exact same thing from countless acquaintances and strangers, They think she's a front-runner for most evil living human, and that is not an exaggeration. I don't know how these folks could possibly walk that back and give her their vote. So, while there was some "I refuse to vote for _____" in '08, the vitriol this time appears to me to be more widespread and vicious. I think this time, for many, it's not just empty rhetoric. A significant nu
  12. I don't remember there being Obama supporters who vowed to vote third party if Hilary won the nomination. Or vice versa. But it is extremely common among Sanders supporters.
  13. I'm expecting to hear this news about so many other music stars. I won't name names for superstitious reasons, but there are a lot of musicians/celebrities who's probable near-future death won't surprise me in the least. This is not one of them. 57 years old, never a user of drugs or alcohol, always seemed healthy and fit. It's shocking.
  14. Yeah, he had two shows in Atlanta a few weeks ago, which he postponed due to having the flu. Then he played the rescheduled shows last week, and after the show he took ill. This is just awful, if true.
  15. Hummingbird - a boutique that sells coffee mugs and aprons in gentrifying neighborhoods. A Shot in the Arm - flu shot store. I'll Fight - any law firm that has TV commercials.
  16. Eugene Mirman & Robyn Hitchcock
  17. Interesting. I'm not familiar with Shamir. They have not been advertised as part of this show, but that doesn't mean he/she/they aren't playing. EDIT: Shamir is playing Coachella tomorrow, so I'm guessing he's not playing in Atlanta tonight. EDIT 2: I managed to get some info from a person who works at the venue. Shamir is playing. He's gonna have a long day tomorrow.
  18. Labyrinth - released June 1986 Jennifer Connelly - born December 1970 So she was 15 when it came out. Maybe 14 during filming.
  19. Yeah, I'm looking forward to both bands. Tickets say 7:00 pm, which seems super early. Almost impossible to get there in time for anyone who works traditional hours. I'd rather not be in a massive, stressful rush after work to get there by 7:00 if Chic isn't going to start until 8:00. What was your experience with set times?
  20. There are several possible answers here, but I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that Tweedy had put together a lineup with some of the most skilled and adventurous musicians of all time, and a lot of fans were expecting to hear some of that skill and adventurousness on the records the new lineup would make. But the opposite happened, particularly on Wilco (The Album).
  21. I watched Labyrinth yesterday for the first time. Very enjoyable. As a big fan of Bowie and the Muppets, I'm not sure how this one slipped past me for so long.
  22. Yeah, that was Dennis Davis. He lived a pretty remarkable life. Learned drums from Max Roach and Elvin Jones, got drafted into Vietnam, played with Bowie on some of his most adventurous music, and also played with Stevie Wonder, George Benson, and other heavyweights of music.
  23. A friend of mine was in this band when they were called Mr. Crow's Garden, and got booted before they changed their name and their sound. The lineup was him, Chris, Rich, and Steve. He remains on good terms with Rich and Steve, but not Chris. For whatever that's worth.
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