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Everything posted by jff

  1. jff

    The RTT

    I forgot to take my medicine this morning and now my stomach is upset. Hope I don't poop my pants.
  2. I'm glad to hear Grohl is a cool guy. Humor often gets lost in translation when written. It just felt off-putting to me that he wouldn't answer any sincere questions in kind. Maybe he was in a goofy mood that day.
  3. You must not have read his Reddit Q&A session. He came off as a dick who treats everyone as the butt of his bad jokes. I don't deny that he's a talented guy, though.
  4. Dylan made an appearance on Pawn Stars but he hasn't met any of the people on his tour. That says something, Not sure what exactly, but something.
  5. No, but I have read an interview in which they say a Les Paul is just about the only guitar they've never played. But wait:
  6. Me too. Glenn Kotche standing on his drums with his arms outstretched is pretty much the definition of Dave Grohl. Except Dave Grohl isn't doing it with a wink.
  7. Sloth? That's utterly incredible. I've seen Richard Thompson a coupe times, and I don't get the impression that he plays that song very often, if ever. For those of you not very familiar with Richard or Fairport Convention, here is the original version:
  8. I gotta admit, Wier was always my least favorite thing about the Dead. Still, it's cool that he's sitting in with the other bands. That should be happening more on this tour. Why not some of the Wilco or MMJ guys sitting in with other acts?
  9. Tear Stained Letter would be great. I can't wait to hear what they do.
  10. Cyndi Lauper. Kinda weird. There's been zero promotion for this show. A couple weeks ago my wife and I were listening to She's So Unusual and we vowed to go see her next time she came to town. Then two days ago a friend mentioned it on FB, so we're going.
  11. This doesn't surprise me. Atlanta audiences are terrible, and are the main reason I no longer go to Wilco shows in Atlanta.
  12. Does Weir have a band on this tour, or is he performing solo?
  13. That young man made Rollins look like a meathead idiot and Rollins didn't even realize it. Kira was smart to walk away before he started in on his routine.
  14. Drummer face. Mine is more like this Staring in a zoned out fashion but not actually looking at anything while my hands and feet do their work. A girl I sort of know accused me of staring at her while I was playing once and it was kind of embarrassing. I think I've trained myself not to do that quite as much.
  15. For no good reason, I never bothered to get her previous record. I've only heard "Can You Get to That" and a few short clips from this record. Sounds great so far, and I intend to get a copy. I love that Spencer has become such a great drummer. He banged on my drums at Lounge Axe in 1997. How old was he then? One? It makes me happy to know that he stuck with it.
  16. Good setlist, but that first photo is the exact reason why I don't go to shows like this anymore.
  17. For $200 less you could try a Squier Vintage Modified Jazzmaster, and have money left over to put towards an upgraded bridge. I have one (stock) and I love it. I had it set up with 11s or 12s (can't remember which) and the bridge feels solid. I don't bother with the whammy bar, which probably helps keep things stable. If I had some money to burn I'd love to get a Jazzmaster built by these guys: http://mjtagedfinishes.com/style_jm.html
  18. They should call Kelly Deal and see if she's available.
  19. Having guests like these is a Gene Simmons-esque move. They think the younger generations are going to forget about them if they don't tie themselves to acts that appeal to children.
  20. It had to have been tough for Nels (maybe Pat too, but I don't know enough about his backstory to comment). Nels had been a somewhat well known and highly respected musician for a long time, just not to the point where he could make a consistent income. At the time he joined Wilco, the Nels Cline Singers were a pretty new project that he was obviously excited about, so it had to be pretty wrenching for him to put his band and other projects on the back burner only for Wilco to almost immediately be put on hold while Jeff Tweedy got the help he needed. I agree it'd be interesting to learn
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