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Everything posted by bjorn_skurj

  1. One thing I have always remembered since reading about in grade two was the story about how that German guy, Luz Long, helped Jesse Owens during the 1936 Olympics.
  2. The Azzurri can go straight to hell for all I care.
  3. They are not doing that. The DPRK seems to be holding its own.
  4. Oh yeah - Slovenes and Slovaks always get me confused!
  5. I hope so - I love the USA in soccer more than any other international context, with the possible exception of World War II. GOTTA beat Slovakia.
  6. Aww - shouldn't you nail them to the garage wall or something?
  7. The USA had no real business drawing that match. They did not look horrible, but they did not look like they are going to get that far.
  8. Oh dear - ESPN's graphics department should have had a little more separation between the L and the I on their Clint Dempsey graphic,or at least not used all caps.
  9. No, wait - Amos Oz should have the last word! Israeli Force, Adrift on the Sea By AMOS OZ ARAD, Israel FOR 2,000 years, the Jews knew the force of force only in the form of lashes to our own backs. For several decades now, we have been able to wield force ourselves — and this power has, again and again, intoxicated us. In the period before Israel was founded, a large portion of the Jewish population in Palestine, especially members of the extremely nationalist Irgun group, thought that military force could be used to achieve any goal, to drive the British out of the country, and to re
  10. I am leaving work hella-early today to watch Uruguay v. France and am really looking forward to U.S.-England tomorrow, then heading to Brooklyn to hang out with my friend to watch Germany-Australia.
  11. The demand is still there for music, but it could be that the existing structure can no longer satisfactorily supply that demand.
  12. They would not DARE remake Wizard of Oz!
  13. Strasburg who? IIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!
  14. Groovy - gotta work that night, or I would try to join yous!
  15. Hard to find a nicer place to see a show.
  16. Woo-hoo! They are GREAT live.
  17. Yeah, it only took the Irish three centuries to get the Brits to (mostly) leave!
  18. If nonviolent resistance could (at least play a role in) convincing the Brits to give up India, then it can do anything.
  19. That's true - if the Palestinians had a Gandhi among them, they might be a lot further along than they are now. Though, they are not doing so bad in their campaign to out-breed the Jews.
  20. Israel is the only country in the world whose neighbors have been trying to kill it more or less non-stop from Day 1.
  21. Isn't it nice when the finals of any professional sport actually has some suspense involved?
  22. One of a handful of truly perfect songs. Jesus Built My Hotrod - Ministry (kind of)
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