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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I think it is more people are dissapointed don't really see who is claiming to have a sense of entitlement....
  2. I don't think there is one..just got to use your amex
  3. Uggh I didn't refresh til 959 maybe that screwed my chances!
  4. anyone else still in the waiting room
  5. WTF! WAITING ROOM WITH A GAME! NOT COOL GET BETTER BANDWIDTH AND SERVERS! Screw the randomly selected....if you are good at purchasing tickets you should get them (If you are a non scalper that is!)
  6. http://consequenceofsound.net/2011/07/videos-radiohead-the-king-of-limbs-live-from-the-basement/ Basement show is in full on this webpage! Sweet!
  7. Two Minute Pop Song The Jayhawks Blue Earth [bonus Tracks] Rockit Gorillaz D-Sides [Disc 1] Crocodiles Echo & The Bunnymen Crocodiles Will I Be Married The Jayhawks Blue Earth [bonus Tracks] Sioux City The Jayhawks Blue Earth [bonus Tracks] Play For Today The Cure Seventeen Seconds Tribulations LCD Soundsystem LCD Soundsystem [Disc 1] Another One Goes By The Walkmen A Hundred Miles Off In Your House The Cure Seventeen Seconds Munich Editors The Back Room Disco Infiltrator LCD Soundsystem LCD Soundsystem [Disc 1] This Time Of Night New Order Low-Life Revenge Wears No Wristwatch
  8. 1 show in Manhattan? They should add a second. Will sell out in less than 1 minute!
  9. I was in NYC last night and I saw Matt Pinfield and I had a conversations with him. I said to him.. Hey Matt...I miss good MTV...you were good MTV! Matt said hey thanks...that means a lot..by the way 120 Minutes willbe back on MTV2 at 1am starting the end of July! He then stated that he filmed 12 episodes so far and was just with PJ Harvey...he seemed very genuwine and appreciative of my excitement. Anyhoo..
  10. me too..who is that playing drums towards the front? Phil's dad??
  11. As much as I don't want the Estreet band to end the irony is the way they ended it playing Greetings From Asbury Park the first album is fitting. Wish the show wasn't in Buffalo but in Jersey but that is another issue. Still it is a fitting ending as the band we knew as the Estreet Band.
  12. NOOOOOOOO! I love Estreet Band! RIP as much as Wilco is my go to band. Bruce and E Street was the band I have seen the most live..I think I was up to about 25 or so. Last time I saw the band was back in 2009 doing the River live! It was epic! I was planning on going to the Greetings show in Buffalo but couldn't swing it....may now be my number 1 concert regret of all time! Clarence was so pivital to Bruce's sound. This Jersey boy is saddened!
  13. Sounds like it was major... http://www.showbiz411.com/2011/06/12/exclusive-clarence-clemons-said-seriously-ill-from-stroke
  14. Aye! Get Well Big Man! He certianly has slowed down a little recently but his sound is the soul of Estreet! Major vibes!
  15. UGGGH I would have loved to see this...setlist so far night 1! 1st set: 10:15 Saturday Night, Accuracy, Grinding Halt, Another Day, Object, Subway Song, Foxy Lady, Meathook, So What, Fire In Cairo, It's Not You, Three Imaginary Boys (No Weedy Burton). 2nd set (with Roger O'Donnell): A Reflection, Play for Today, Secrets, In Your House, Forever! (instead of Three?), The Final Sound, A Forest, M, At Night, Seventeen Seconds. 3rd set (with Roger and Lol Tolhurst): The Holy Hour, Primary, Other Voices, All Cats Are Grey , The Funeral Party, Doubt, The Drowning Man, Faith (not extended). 1s
  16. Went last year! It was awesome! The scenry to and from was as well. Cusco is also a fabulous Incan city and a great base for other day trips too. Add it to your list. The only negative is it is starting to get very very crowded. My suggestion is to get there early early! I arrived at the gates at 5am and had a few hours with just a few people around before the tourist rush of the day started. Still some of the greatest views in the world!
  17. Jeju Island looked appealing and I want to tour the DMZ zone. Seoul I heard is beyond spotless and has a fun night scene and great eating....MMMMM BBQ! I also am an independent traveler but for China I heard from multiple sources to go with a guide and I think I would do that in China.
  18. Nice...out of all those you have a favorite? If booking soon I personally would lean towards Cambodia and Thailand as I haven't really done much traveling in Asia.
  19. Greenland?! Wow cool...going on a cruise? Flights seemed infrequent and pricey to Greenland. How long will you be there?
  20. That is true. I did not find out about CBV until 1998 when a friend in college told me about them.
  21. Hey all, I have traveled extensively recently but there are still loads of places I would love to visit if time and money permitted...here is my top 10! Anyone been to the following? Worth it? In no Particular order 1) Antartica-I like nature, don't like cold but would do it because it looks fascinating! 2) Iceland- Nature, not too far away looks exotic! 3) Greece/Greek Islands-Always was on my list! 4) South Korea- I dunno why just seems interesting 5)Vietnam/Thailand/Cambodia- Can do in one trip? Angor Wat looks neat along with Phucket! 6) South Africa- Capetown I hear is incredible and
  22. I was born before CBV formed but was not into music whent they were active.. According to wikipedia their first run was 1983-1990 while Cracker started just after that...
  23. I have seen both bands prob 6 times...hear Low maybe 3 of the shows and Popular maybe 3 times...depends on the night I guess!
  24. I seem to be the opposite here but I think it comes down to when you grew up? I turned 30 this year so when I was getting into music around age 10-11 I was getting into Cracker.I think CVB is for the slightly older crowd while Cracker is for the younger? Maybe I am wrong??? Don't get me wrong CBV is great but I love cracker. Saw CVB at least 3 times with Cracker. Saw CVB do Key Lime and I enjoyed it...but when Cracker did Kerosene Hat I was on cloud 9.
  25. I catch them almost everytime they swing through NYC...One of the best live bands out there and they mix up their setlist pretty good. I love Hickmans style too!
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