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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. 8 albums and in typical fashion most bands I like are huge in Europe and no popularity in the US. I will say Jay Kay's persona is kinda douchie but really like the music. Give a track from above a try and listen with an open mind.
  2. I always enjoyed virtual reality when it came out ages ago. I even owned traveling without moving album but never invested any further time into them. A couple of months ago I saw they had a new album coming out and decided to buy it. I really enjoyed it on the first listen and gave it several more spins over the last few weeks. It is a great album with only one or two clunkers. That being said when I like more than one album from a band I usually buy the whole back catalog. I must say I am very impressed. They got a great back catalog! Anyway just curious if anyone else likes them? My favor
  3. Afghan Whigs Superstition>Going To Town somewhere in Germany Love the roll in and the stuff he says to the audience lol
  4. Rip Gregg https://www.yahoo.com/music/gregg-allman-allman-brothers-band-dies-age-69-194332627.html
  5. I was working loading stuff on my external hard drive when it slipped out of my hand and dropped. It now doesn't work and I'm freaking out since I have 20,000 songs and about that many pictures and videos of the kids first 5 years on there. Only saving grace is I printed a ton of pics but still
  6. Afghan Whigs at the Apollo
  7. 3S Arts Space in Portsmouth cool place! Great shot of Rob hope you were wearing ear plugs
  8. Great song.. got it on video when I saw Temple
  9. Going super obscure tonight! Driving up to New Hampshire to see Thanks To Gravity... anyone ever hear of them? They were one of my favorites in high school and they don't tour ever and only play in Maine and New Hampshire when they play
  10. ^ I got there right around sunset was bad for about 10 minutes then the sun went behind the buildings. I also put up to other videos on youtube if you want to see. Show was great and it was a perfect spot to watch the show. He still sounds great!
  11. One of my all time favorites
  12. ^ I agree..I am excited for the new album and definitely could understand how he got delayed. https://youtu.be/yjMzXBju-UA Here's a video I took from last night
  13. ahh thanks for the pointer was very sunny yesterday! I hope you get your sculpture soon I heard that he hasn't delivered in the 3 years since the kickstarter got started. Glad you had a good time and got to hang with Matthew sounds like a great night.
  14. Do we need anymore examples of Treason?! Time to put country in front of politics.
  15. Chuck first Lips show? New album is good! Just saw them a few months ago. Enjoy! Yeah Matthew is a nice guy I will however have to rib him if I see him before or after the show for avoiding Blue Skies on Mars and 100% Fun (Besides sick of myself and we're the same) my two favorite albums in the live setting.. grr Enjoy tonight's show!
  16. How was the show? Matthew Sweet for me tonight
  17. Jamiroquai Cosmic Girl Little L Canned Heat Automaton Virtual Insanity Really digging the new album
  18. Yes it is really tiny. Seating is first come first serve. For the show I went to there a few months ago I got there about 75 minutes before the show and I got the front table. I think the place holds 150??
  19. Ahh Joyce glad you are seeing Matthew! I am seeing him tomorrow sorry I am missing you. Hope all is well!
  20. So when is the house of cards going to collapse?
  21. Father John Misty a last minute surprise
  22. ^Nice. I really enjoyed the show I saw in 2015 so I am really looking forward to tonight!
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