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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. ahhh ok..good to know..9 times out of 10 NYC shows are at least $15-20 more per ticket than almost all other cities..biggest disparity was Brooklyn vs New Haven (almost half price and only 50 miles away!)
  2. This link worked for me http://wilcoworld.net/events/
  3. Boston so cheap! NYC $88.50 a ticket after fees
  4. and to Follow up got two 6th row SATURDAY! NALAFEJ I owe you a beer!
  5. THANK YOU! Got one Friday Brooklyn from this link!
  6. It would be nice if one person at least got tickets on this board!
  7. I saw the Philly show for YHF at Electric Factory! Even scored Jeff's setlist!
  8. Excited they are playing Brooklyn but have noticed increasingly Wilco avoid Manhattan..Interesting..
  9. They were toying with the idea of playing Kiss Me, Head on the Door and The Top trilogy shows for awhile but in my opinion this tour will be promoting a new album. I was fortunate enough to see when they did Three Imaginary Boys, Faith and Seventeen Seconds in 2011 and it was unbelievable!
  10. As much as the Smiths should be in I doubt they will get the vote
  11. Nice I ordered the album a few days ago! Can't wait to hear it!
  12. Always catch them when I can!! very excited! So far only LA, Chicago and NYC announced but 22 more dates to be added in the US http://craigjparker.blogspot.com/2015/10/cure-tour-nortn-america-2016.html
  13. A song from each album would give you a general idea I assume?
  14. Well I just bought a ticket for their December 19th City Winery show in NYC...so there ya go! I'll def get it now that I am seeing them in Dec
  15. Never seen him live before last night. Wow he's got lots of energy. New stuff sounded great too. He doesn't spend more than 10 seconds between each song and seemed to crank out 30 songs in 90 minutes
  16. I liked Wolf the most of the 3 I bought. All 3 I bought (Kiko, Wolf and Band form East LA) had some great moments..Need to revisit again. So far so good!
  17. Decemberists FYI I have been keeping a concert list since I started going to shows and this is my 1,000 concert I have attended! I don't know how I feel about that!
  18. I find it ironic that they are in town the same night
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