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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. I got to say I am at less than an hour or so. I listen to my music on Random when it comes up I listen but I don't really seek the songs out at the moment. Last concentrated listen of Wilco I had was when I got the Star Wars vinyl played it once so far. Still will always be one of my favorites but haven't spent too much time on them recently. I am sure once the Brooklyn shows arrive that'll change!
  2. Nice I first saw them by accident in 1995 their third show ever as Guster they played at my camp lol. I have seen them probably 35 times or so in 20 years. I have been privileged to hang with the band a few times and they're super friendly and fun
  3. Nice I'm seeing them Saturday. They don't seem to get any love here but they're one of my favs
  4. I'm late to the party but congrats!
  5. I saw Of Montreal open for Elliott Smith at Maxwells in 2003..they are an interesting band
  6. What about Poor Places? Yankee Hotel Foxtrot recording at outro?
  7. I think he passed away last year, no?
  8. I was there and she did well! She played loud and was rocking.. My section seemed to dig it
  9. Also as part of their two days us tour on their east coast leg... BLUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With Courtney Barnett too!!!
  10. As part of his blistering 2 date North American Tour I am catching the East Coast Leg of Dave Gahan's tour
  11. Can Y'all help me! I am itching to hear Too Far Apart. I have seen the band too many times too have not heard this one live yet! I have been requesting it every day since the tour has been announced! Any help in the vote would be appreciated!
  12. Just a quick update..met him on Sunday...very friendly..gave me two copies of the album (since the first one had a pressing error) and spent a few minutes talking. Was an interesting experience!
  13. Sorry to hear that happened! I was on too and am thankful I got one earlier in the presale but was looking to get a pair..oh well flying solo Friday night!
  14. ha I thought the same thing!
  15. Stevie Wonder was on fire last night..catch the show if you can!
  16. Update! He emailed me and mentioned I was his furthest delivery he offered to meet me anywhere in NYC or if I can't make it in he would work on coming out to me. I should be meeting him this Sunday in Manhattan as I was going in anyway so I figured why not. If anyone is a fan in NYC and want to accompany me on Sunday let me know and I will let you know the details!
  17. valid concern if you have to drive! I hate buying tickets for winter shows as I had to eat a few tickets due to weather in the past
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