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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Computer animated actors can't be any worse than Hayden.
  2. You should probably just zip it you fascist.
  3. Wait, you're Lou Reed? Sorry for slaggin' on you before.
  4. The guy who invented soap > the guy who invented music.
  5. If they don't play Froggie Went a Courtin', I'm done with this band.
  6. JUDE


    Do they have a Grammy for 'Easy Listening' ?
  7. I'll not be fodder for your ghey fantasies.
  8. I think it's more of a cultural thing than just the music. If Kent State happened in 2007 and CSNY wrote Ohio today, I don't think it would have nearly the same effect.
  9. I stand corrected, you're right, it is that clear cut. Fuck Jimmy Carter, send cryptique to the middle east.
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