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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Do it. I'm sure ction would post there. FYI: I don't hate Wilco, just smug dicks.
  2. FYI I couldn't care less personally about a show in Charleston, I wasn't going. I find it unreasonable for people to take offense to other people voicing their displeasure with the timing, circumstances, etc. I see a lot of posts that are essentially STFU, It's SNL; they canceled my show so what right do you have to be upset, blah, blah, etc. That is unreasonable, damn it, I took a day off of work, pre-paid for a hotel room, etc, and now they cancelled essentially at the last minute, is not.
  3. So you agree that to be upset about having a for lack of a better term, contract, altered at the last minute is an entitlement mentality? I agree Wilco is fulfilling their obligations by offering an alternative remedy but people have a right to be upset by the short notice and their respective circumstances. Also I don't think people voicing their displeasure is in any way wrong or inappropriate.
  4. I don't think it's called entitlement when you pay someone a fee and expect him or her to fulfill his or her obligation. Call me crazy but if you offer to do something (perform) for a fee (ticket price) and I accept your offer (buy a ticket) and there is consideration (an exchange of money) this usually is not considered an entitlement.
  5. So no one has the right to be the least bit upset that they made arrangements to see the band, maybe including considerable travel, and the band essentially changed plans at the last minute?
  6. I don't think it's the only decision that could be made. I mean they could have decided to fulfill their commitments and played as scheduled.
  7. Exactly. Add me to the list requesting a repost of these or a pm of a link. I would be forever in your debt. Well maybe not forever, they are just low bit rate MP3's after all.
  8. Damn it I forgot the Geardadies too. Martin Zellar's gonna kick my ass.
  9. I don't think Dennis Miller is an idiot.
  10. Thanks. MP3 is fine by me for my own use, of course I used to tape Duran Duran and Men at Work off of Casey Kasem's Top 40 back in the day.
  11. Some may ask "Why"? Because I can.
  12. So do I, thanks to the tax cut's, my effective tax rate was about 3%.
  13. Been wanting one for awhile. Thanks George W. for the down payment!
  14. P.S. If you all don't want Aerosmith, I'll take em'.
  15. Prince and the Revolution The Time Bob Dylan (not a band I know) Husker Du The Replacements The Jayhawks Golden Smog Son Volt (Trace era
  16. So is TreeHugginDirtGuy like Donald Fagen or something?
  17. [sarcasm] How can you differentiate, it still of the people, for the people, by the people, right? [sarcasm/]
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