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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. It probably goes without saying but if you started to vomit the crowd would part like the Red Sea, getting to the bathroom wouldn't have been a problem.
  2. I'm glad the author included Gary Louris and Mark Olson in his list of the elite.
  3. Congrats! Color me surprised, you never looked pregnant.
  4. I think most states would classify a bar as an establishment that derives more than 51% of their revenues from the sales of alcohol. But I can pull the Minnesota requirements for you. .
  5. I can only speak for Minnesota requirements that I have experience with. I would imagine that they strongly discourage people from carrying firearms into bars, albeit legal in some states, in the majority of classes. Once again, back to the legal ramifications and responsibilities of the licensee.
  6. I think if you would actually do some research into permit requirements you will find that it is forbidden to carry in any establishment that serves alcohol. Also if you attend the classes (Final Option, etc.) you are beaten over the head with the legal ramifications of having violated any of the permit requirements or actually having to shoot someone. If you are licensed to carry you are legally held to a higher standard (you should understand standard of care). In addition, most classes have a "live fire" scenario training portion, believe me, when people are done with these programs they
  7. Wow, you pulled out three from the excuse rolodex: work, time and the kids birthday(s). Well played, sir.
  8. Oh hells yes. How did I miss the first picture you posted.
  9. Quit being so damned snarky, if congress doesn't address this issue who will? It's not like we have other government agencies or laws that cover this whole thing.
  10. Marinated or just a rub on that chicken?
  11. I've always wanted to ask Solace about pulling some strings and getting a Minneapolis living room show. I'm sure we could get a pretty good group together and I'd even pitch in extra for the bus fare. He could probably stay at Gary Louris' house or something and go back the next day.
  12. So you're saying it's possible to get a ticket at the door for this show.
  13. Are these the re-edited versions or the originals?
  14. Wow, mad with power and a Obama hating closet Republican.
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