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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Good point, but I don't think it's quite that clear cut. I would argue the US expends quite an effort restraining the Israelis in their dealings with other nations in the region. A lot of those
  2. Come on, they'll just miracle our asses out of there on the first day after inauguration.
  3. Could you touch up some of those veins that are showing in that pic for me? Thanks!
  4. I would have started a new thread for each individual verse.
  5. why do you hate the baby jesus and polar bears?
  6. I like how the Giants have picked up 4 or 5 poll votes since the game ended Sunday night.
  7. You voted in the 1960 election?!? Wow, you are old.
  8. Awesome, I'll finish up the middle-finger painting on the back of my bomber jacket and start looking for a 1972 Triumph 450.
  9. I've gotten like 3 text massages from candidates today. WTF!?!?
  10. You want to discuss absurdities, let's talk about that red hoodie thing Belichick was wearing.
  11. The Minnesota Corn (ethenol) lobby will have your head if the find you.
  12. Increases in government programs does not alway's mean increased spending. Come on.
  13. I understand how energy prices have an effect upon the prices of goods, however my argument is that everyone feel's we are being raped by the big evil oil companies, yet are oblivious to the possibility that they are being fleeced by everyone else under the guise of increased transportation costs. I will argue the it doesn't cost 50% more today to transport that same truck load of bread as it did last year. Furthermore I have seen fuel surcharges on nearly every invoice that comes through our doors, it's funny because we do 90% of our business electronically and actual shipping or handling of
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