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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I'm interested in the Colts winning to break the myth that Manning always loses big games. He had two mediocre games thus far, but he still was on the winning side for two big games this season--just not the biggest thus far. I guess you just get tired of hearing the same angles over and over when they have questionable truthiness. Just like how other people got tired of hearing about the Bears' dominant defense.
  2. You didn't read Bill Simmons' column? http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/070119
  3. If you have the wikipedia page that it was on you might be able to figure out who posted it and whether they have any credibility.
  4. At one point Dusty said they were having trouble agains left-handers because they couldn't find a southpaw to throw BP. Maybe you should give Lou a ring.
  5. I'm surprised that his land deal with Rezko hasn't received more coverage.
  6. Sorry if anyone already addressed this. I think the irony is intended. However, taking advantage of your spouse's name and rep is different than being put on their payroll.
  7. I'd like a list of states Obama would possibly lose because of his name and race. Or just a few. How would such a list compare to a list of states that the Democrats might/would need to win in 2008?
  8. How did '04 prove that? By that logic, Dick Gephardt should've taken the nomination.
  9. Well, I thought I thought the reason Bob sounded like Kermit on Nashville Skyline was that he quit smoking.
  10. Is Obama going to re-record Nashville Skyline?
  11. Instinct? Might have been a brain fart instead of a greed.
  12. http://youtube.com/watch?v=t3iaW2zxvmc Phil Garner and Terry Bevington go at it. Not sure what Ozzie was so upset about. Unlikely variation of the hidden ball trick: http://www.jibjab.com/jokebox/jokebox/jibj...61/jokeid/51077
  13. So, apparently, they're too busy doing Bon Jovi edits. Wikipedia says there has been lineup turnover. and... "The Avalanches at present are Diblasi, Chater and Seltmann. Their as-yet unreleased second started off as a project full of world music and ambience. The band stated in 2005 that it was now turning back to more of a party atmosphere for the record. Mike Patton, during his hosting segment on MTV2, claimed that the band will on the next Peeping Tom album. [2]."
  14. That album was amazing. And then...?
  15. Republicans in the House were split on the minimum wage bill. They're certainly split on the war at this point.
  16. As in a physical keyboard with a midi controller? Do you a usb converter for that or do Macs have midi ports these days? Or are you just using a keyboard that connects via USB?
  17. And Albert did it in what amounts to little more than 10 full seasons. However, he did play in a different era and there is a bit of steroid taint on him (hello, roid rage). However, off the ballot? That's nuts...and has been pointed out before, it's only because he's such a sourpuss.
  18. Why does he wear a batting helmet while polishing his car?
  19. If you go by the review in my sophmore high school yearbook (not my review), seeing them is "pretty kicknice"
  20. They could vote for a player as a thank-you without expecting the player to know it was them. As in "he was a good guy, I'm going to vote for him so he can have a wee bit of an ego stroke." Not "I'm going to vote for him so he knows all those years of answering my questions really meant something to me, personally."
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