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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. We might just have to roll back the social security age. One asumes that as old people stay healthier, longer, they'll be able (and willing?) to work longer. Hopefully the boomers are acquiring some wisdom that will be beneficial. There's got to be some benefit to having lots of fogeys.
  2. It's hardly simple. Environmentally speaking, yes. We need lots of youngins to support our future geriatrics, though.
  3. Bears' monday night futility seems set to continue.
  4. My money's on Wheelco, over those who have trash-talked.
  5. Apparently that announcer/former player once did time for beating his pregnant girlfriend. Classy.
  6. Wheelco made several posts about the new music and they pick that one? Out of context, it's not clear what that means. Word to your water buffalo.
  7. Here's the deal with IP addresses... Most people have a "dynamic" address. They get a new one each time they connect to their provider. So if you reset your cable/DSL you will generally have a new one. Use a different email address, user name, and clear your cookies first and there should be know way they would know it's you.
  8. Generally, if you download popular torrents that already have a shit-ton of seeders it will be hard to upload much. If you want to speculate on new torrents that will be popular, you might have more luck that way.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate_stout Though, with it being Milller and all, I imagine there's just some Nestle Quick mixed in.
  10. For Bjorniepoo Ira Harkey, 88, Who Won Pulitzer for Editorials, Dies Published: October 11, 2006 PASCAGOULA, Miss., Oct. 10 (AP)
  11. So the guy from Bangladesh who won....how does that spite the United States (or Bush)? Your theory is pretty half-baked. I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a Nobel Peace Prize finalist. I don't think there is some bracket system between the nominees and the winner. Sheehan was nominated, as was Bush before, and it's pretty insignificant. Man, that prize is sure going downhill. If only we could go back to went it meant something and all the nominees were worthwhile...like Joseph Stalin. Being nominated doesn't mean much, folks.
  12. Kate replaced the keyboard on her old laptop and said it wasn't that hard. She bought the replacement on the ebay.
  13. I saw a vegetarian cookbook at the supermarket today written by a woman named Crescent Dragonwagon...
  14. I am 100% sure they do this so that people leave as soon as they're done eating. Their music is like kryptonite to their target demographic.
  15. M e t o o. Objective: to get the job for which I am applying so we can pay our rent and credit card bills.
  16. "You can't pour alcohol on a turnip and make it make anti-semitic remarks."
  17. Omc, yes. How do you feel about the "Objective" section of teh
  18. Yes, except when he puts his Mr. Pender on the phone.
  19. I'd like to go on record as saying that Sean calls me and just breathes like hell into the phone.
  20. Sounds like Kate's father, who put a box in the middle of a country road and would pop out of it to see if he could scare motorists. I think he was eight at the time.
  21. That reminds me of the footage of Dustin Hoffman next to the townhome that the Weathermen accidentally blew up.
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