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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Have the Tiggers won a series since they got Neifi Perez? I can't believe Leyland batted him leadoff a couple of games. Edit: I see that a statistic has already been coined to measure such things, the Neifi Index. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neifi_Index
  2. I've been mixed up since the breakup and all I need you to say is everything's ok
  3. I took a few of these a while back. The one I took today said Which doesn't surprise me, given that 90% of arab muslims in the news are portrayed in a negative or, at best, neutral context and I don't have much of a personal history to counteract that. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.jsp
  4. It's a prerequisite that said pictures include 15 year-olds, apparently.
  5. I posted this on another board.... If you're a bounty hunter, you need to have respect for the rule of law. There's an organization I'd like to work for that does a lot of work in countries where many officials are unwilling or unable to enforce important, morally imperative laws. Rather than administering some type of vigilante justice, the organization actively seeks non-crooked law enforcement officers and officials and works with them. Obviously a bounty hunter wouldn't be very interested in that, because they wouldn't end up with the bounty. Like it or not, Mexico is a sovereign n
  6. Under the circumstances, I think his arrest is well justified. I would imagine he'll have his day in court and get off with a fine and time served.
  7. http://www.pornotube.com/media.php?m=32561 Warning: Not safe for life
  8. I would like to second the commendation of Bjorn's self-birth post.
  9. He disagrees with your opinion and is trying to make it seem like he's being objective about it.
  10. So are you dudes gently diddling each other in an opium den yet?
  11. Someone want to tell me why Kinky would make a good governor?
  12. He hates the Jews, too, because of their anti-swine bigotry.
  13. It's time for a photo essay. Here I am with my lovely wife. Here's my wife with Cindy Sheehan Here's Cindy Sheehan with Hugo Chavez Here's Hugo Chavez with Fidel Castro Here's Hugo Chavez with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Can you draw the correct inference? If you said "JorgeFabregas wants to roll the Jews into the sea" you get a gold star, red hammer and sickle, and a crescent pointed towards Mecca!
  14. I'm going twice. Got a weekend ticket after booking my hotel.
  15. No, would you like it to be? That way we can really cut the budgets on public schools and decrease voter turnout even more.
  16. Age: * OS disease usually is seen in the adolescent years after undergoing a rapid growth spurt the previous year. * Girls who are affected are typically aged 10-11 years. * Boys who are affected are typically aged 13-14 years.
  17. Have you ever tried N64 emulation? This computer can handle it pretty well, but I never had an analog joystick so I just played some simple games like Mario Tennis.
  18. Overpriced Nintendo-specific storage device seems like a sure bet, I would guess. You can fit a lot of NES games onto a 512 mb stick.
  19. Apparently Nintendo users will be. Opera was like Firefox, but mildly retarded.
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