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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I think he prefers China's stimulus package because, rather than bailing out failing business to increase credit flow and consumer spending, they are spending the money on building infrastructure.
  2. He's in jail in Terre Haute and is scheduled for release in 2013.
  3. One thing to keep in mind about those demographic statistics -- aren't those from the same exit polls that gave Obama an 18% lead? And yet they're taken as gospel in terms of how different demographics voted.
  4. Well I, for one, am afraid of her. Afraid that she could hold some position of further responsibility by some fluke. I don't think she'd make it out of the Republican presidential primary and would be mostly glad if she did.
  5. The article refers to "additional revenue streams" for ticketmaster based on fees at the box office that they are not currently getting.
  6. This is actually the biggest shift. Black voters often vote for the the Dem pres. candidate at a 90% clip, so a 5% increase within the 13% population doesn't account for the 6.5% popular vote victory.
  7. I don't have the time to average the numbers specifically for the Yankees, But 2008 w/RISP .863 2007 1.138 2006 .939 2005 .894 2004 .785 3 years his OPS w/RISP was under what he did in other situations, 2 years (2006 and 2007) it was over.
  8. I dunno. Before, as I understand it, you were just saying that he didn't hit with RISP period. His post-season numbers with the Yankees are a different matter.
  9. He seems to walks more, strike out less, and hit for less power with RISP. I'd guess that's pretty common for hitters of his caliber.
  10. It's fact, huh? His OPS with RISP is .957, a whopping .010 lower than his career OPS. And it's basically the same as his career OPS with the bases empty (.954).
  11. I read that Thome had an Obama/Biden in his yard. That should seal the deal.
  12. I have suggested that a few times in these threads. No rumors, but the dude is built like a brick wall (HGH?).
  13. Adjusted OPS+ is supposed to factor in ballpark and league averages--Thome does very well in that category vis a vis Rice and Dawson. His averages will go down a bit as he closes out his career, but he's sitting pretty now.
  14. Kind of like how pork is great for your district, but is terrible, wasteful spending if it's for some place across the country.
  15. That seems random. What has the dude done recently to further disgrace himself? The lame duck President thing seems like a pretty easy gig--he just makes nice and figures out who he's going to pardon. It's also funny that congress has a historically low approval rating and yet voters seem eager to elect more Democrats. Kinda puts the whole approval rating thing into question.
  16. Teixeira's "most similar through age 28" stats are pretty impressive. Borderline-HOF guys like Jim Thome (just in, I think) and Fred McGriff (just out).
  17. I got my job through a temp agency, which can be kind of a raw deal. I understand they typically charge the employer a 70% mark-up on what you get, plus no sick/vacation days, etc. However, they can get your foot in the door. Just something to consider.
  18. The main reason I think the auto bailout is a bad idea is that the companies that would be getting the money have been perpetual failures for a long time. The only reason they had a strong stretch was the SUV boom, which seems like an aberration. It seems like more cash would just mean delaying the inevitable.
  19. Yeah, I think the (further) auto bailout is a bad idea.
  20. WILL OBAMA FLIP-FLOP ON DOG ADOPTION PROMISE? And there's a picture of him him here with a famous rescue dog: http://www.ararebreedoflove.com/
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