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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Kate was rooting for the Phils and had the exact same complaint about those boos.
  2. Fukudome is more of a "take this guy off our hands and we'll pay most his salary"piece than an actual trade asset at this point.
  3. In context, it seems that Biden was using 150K as example, not as a cut-off.
  4. Anyone watching this thing? I just put it on halfway through. Seems better conceived than Ross Perot's version, though less substantial.
  5. My understanding of the full WBEZ interview, by the way, was that he was affirming the judicial stance that the constitution only guarantees negative liberties.
  6. This TB team is better than that Rockies team.
  7. This thread inspired me to vote on my lunch break.
  8. Is it going to be like a Christmas special with celebrity cameos? Will Deval Patrick sing a song?
  9. http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2008..._talk_hertzberg I think it's optimistic to expect this to be the last thread.
  10. No, they do not. Which gives them more credibility.
  11. Fivethirtyeight.com told me your odds of swinging the election a battleground state are 1 in 10,000,000.
  12. I got 704 and and a 91 or something on the other. My last.fm is not very representative of what I listen to for a variety of reasons. My taste is probably less ecclectic than those scores suggest.
  13. Vote for Obama! Won't somebody think of the children?!
  14. Gallups "traditional" likely voter model now has an Obama with a 2 point lead. They seem fairly legit, although their "expanded" likely voter model has Obama at +7. Pew Research recently had Obama at +15. Polls are funny.
  15. Of course not. I would assume he doesn't have an ideological opposition to third party voting, rather he is irritated by folks with similar viewpoints to himself undermining those viewpoints by voting third party. Edit: It's almost like you're saying "I see you had no problem when the other basketball team threw the ball into the wrong hoop, but you were mad as hell when your team did it! Gotcha!"
  16. Ok...and? You seem to imply it's somehow hypocritical.
  17. Why would he feel any differently about it?
  18. The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan. Been on kind of a kick lately.
  19. I thought it was stupid and contrived initially, but thought it was pretty neat once games started.
  20. http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/a...orts-obama.aspx McCain adviser votes for Obama.
  21. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=96187963 Oops
  22. Kate was in St. Louis this weekend and said that the town has Obama fever -- murals being painted and stuff like that.
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