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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Will Tommie Harris ever really be healthy again, though?
  2. Well, Ozzie says it's unlikely, but one can hope. (re: Quentin, that is)
  3. Carlos Quentin has been taking BP. He may be back for the ALCS if the White Sox sneak past the Rays.
  4. Seems like they are an average-to-above-average NFC team. Probably will make the playoffs by virtue of playing in a weak division.
  5. Well, Obama pulled out of Georgia (and/or one of the Dakotas?) a couple weeks ago. Both campaigns both have to be realistic at this point.
  6. Well, Obama is leading in the favorable/unfavorable ratings even more than he is in the polls. So if it's a popularity contest, then he should do well. I don't really see anything as inevitable in this election. It's still quite close, based on historical standards, and then there's the Bradley/Wilder effect (if it still exists).
  7. Well, I know he's said that statement several times to bait people or whatever. I'm just curious as to whether he has a response.
  8. The Execution of All Things is my favorite involving her.
  9. Well, Jules, but he was kidding. It's something I've heard before.
  10. It is kinda funny when suburban Chicagoans bag on downstate Illinois. Like the suburbs are paragons of culture or something.
  11. Your hometown is equidistant from Chicago and St. Louis, no?
  12. Hockey moms against religious organization.
  13. http://mlb.fanhouse.com/2008/09/30/the-dug...ppen-after-all/
  14. Sarah Palin 2006 debate video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1-B-OyQ-KI Haven't really gotten the chance to watch this (working), but in the 30 seconds I did watch she seems at least more collected than she has appeared in 2008.
  15. Well, the latter weighs 1000+ more pounds. Also re: union pay. It's my impression that American factories for foreign automakers pay roughly the same in terms of hourly rate as unionized American automakers--they're too worried about workers unionizing to do otherwise.
  16. Eh, hard to say. He was losing by a little before her selection. Now he's losing by a little more.
  17. He's not a great 2b, but this is pretty much his first year playing there full time. He's got a gun. Edit: also, what is the fielding bible's methodology for figuring runs gained/lost through defense?
  18. Yeah, ~.800 OPS middle infielders are a dime a dozen.
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