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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Michael Stern - Stand Up http://www.stumbleaudio.com/#michaelstern3/12 Cheesy production, but a really nice song.
  2. Was Scott Howard born on the same day? I was born a twin with fear.
  3. I don't understand how to use it. I made one playlist with it and couldn't get it to make another one. It just kept trying to sell me songs.
  4. It's possible to vigorously defend your positions without acting like an asshole. Thanks.
  5. I'm friends with someone active with the lot. They are bunch of jerks--that is their basis of association. No real ideological ties other than they're anti-censorship. They like messing up people's lives. The Clintons' political savvy is overblown thanks to Ross Perot. Seriously.
  6. She's the big new thing. I perceive that she's no longer the central issue for either campaign. That was just a phase.
  7. Probably in voters' minds, but I'm not sure that's fair. By my count, they are 9-12 (.429) when he hasn't played and 75-54 (.581) when he did play. I don't know what the runs/game numbers are. The White Sox holding on this month has more to do with the implosion of the Minnesota bullpen than anything else.
  8. lizish recently compared The Hold Steady's touring mates to Kid Rock.
  9. Can a case still be made for Quentin as MVP, even minus the month at the end of the season?
  10. Just as both parties wouldn't sign off on a deficit-spending stimulus package during a boom, right?
  11. Jesus was more like a (communitarian) anarchist than anything. For the record.
  12. If employers had some chargers in their parking lots 66 mile roundtrips wouldn't necessarily be a problem. I know not all employers will be able to do this, but some larger ones might. My church has an outlet/parking space reserved for two homebrewed Prius plugins. A lot people seem eager to bash GM over the project. I'm not in the market to buy something like that (don't have a house to charge it and don't have the $$$), but I'm glad someone is trying something like this.
  13. Gasoline engine is not part of the drivetrain. Or whatever.
  14. Well, I'm sure it's a much smaller engine as a result. Hard to say whether it's stupid until it's tested independently.
  15. Well, it depends. Obama will go to war with Pakistan, but not Iran, whereas McCain will go to war with Iran, but not Pakistan .
  16. That was my reaction to Peel's post as well. Dude really bothers me in those ads.
  17. http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=355 I liked the This American Life piece of the subject, The Giant Pool of Money. Click on "full episode."
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