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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Yeah, he's second in the league in OPS. Take out his injury time and his RBI and HR totals would be right there with the leaders, too.
  2. Well, he is having another MVP-type season, although he's not going to win it.
  3. Obama gets the first inklings of a convention boost: http://www.gallup.com/poll/109897/Gallup-D...head-48-42.aspx Of course, this is what it comes down to in our political coverage these days. Gaffes, scandals, polls, and strategy. That's pretty much it. Anyone see the NBC ad comparing their campaign coverage to their olympic coverage? Yup.
  4. There has been some talk of river tubing.
  5. "He's just like us and we're all like each other (except for those who want to be different and the bad guys)." Is the message of almost any convention ::shrug::
  6. http://blogs.chicagoreader.com/news-bites/...t-jay-mariotti/
  7. But it wasn't a statement? It was a question?
  8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/20...008.barackobama
  9. Yeah, but current MLB rules only allow bats that are made from single piece of wood (not composites and laminates).
  10. I'm guessing not. No. It's a bit.
  11. I was waiting for the pics* before I just started handing out congratulations like they were candy. Nicely done! *Just kidding.
  12. Isn't the average value of a house in California like $700,000, though? So $7000 for an average place in an average community?
  13. Just keep all the election stuff in here so it doesn't take over the board.
  14. Ok, with that out of the way, we'll be moving this to the election catch-all.
  15. Well that's generally what a "get out of jail free card" would refer to in an election, I would think.
  16. Could be referring to this: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/24/opinion/...ARqzYEAU1nfXW5g
  17. No one owns their ideology? Not the members themselves? I mean, I could see saying no one owns their myth or meaning or something like that.
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