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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. They have to make money somehow. Might as well be selling mortgages to credit-worthy borrowers*. *You are right, though, I understand that some credit-worthy borrowers are having trouble getting mortgages.
  2. Oney Guillen (one of Ozzie's sons) ended his rapid ascent through the White Sox farm system yesterday when he retired. http://www.thebaseballcube.com/players/G/Oney-Guillen.shtml He sucked at every level. Well, except for his one game at AAA.
  3. Portastatic covers Oh My Sweet Carolina on their new album. So there's that. I guess it is a collection of odds and ends.
  4. I remember when you were sorta bitching about getting Cantu.
  5. Holy misunderstood stat, batman. They seem to be getting that number from his "contact %" of .920 (as of 9/8) http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/mlb/news?s..._hitters_090808 But contact percentage is not a matter of contact as compared to the number of swings. It is the percentage of ABs (or is it plate apperances?) where the player makes contact: http://sports.yahoo.com/fantasy/mlb/news;_...berglossary-mlb It is basically impossible that the contact percentage for swings and the contact percentage for ABs or PAs would be the same.
  6. Can I ask why? Also, I am glad my state isn't in play so I don't have to see stupid campaign ads.
  7. That's wonderful. (dancing video) Why is it that partisans are induced/encouraged to dance? Is it because they're so happy? Is it a little bit like the klan in O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  8. It raises the question...in light of Pakistani outrage over previous attacks and talk of withdrawing from the US' war on terror, at what point might we be simply at war with Pakistan?
  9. This is the election thread, fellas. This "which poster sucks more" business is pretty boring.
  10. No one ever said you can't mess with Texas. They said don't. I'd rather the 'canes didn't.
  11. As of today, the moderating group will be giving 24-hour suspensions to members whose behavior is seriously out of line. If said behavior continues after a suspension, stronger action will be taken. Civilty has been an issue recently, especially during the election season. Let's keep VC a friendly place. -The moderating team.
  12. He has been real bad in September, but was great in August. He gave up one run in the whole month of August--in 11 innings pitched.
  13. He has great numbers this year. WHIP, especially. There's no way he's loading up the bases every time with a WHIP around 1. That means he averages 1 baserunner per inning. He's been a little worse since the all-star break, but not bad. Closers can often be perceived as a lot worse than they are, since they're often in high pressure situations. It's easy to remember the bad and forget the good.
  14. It might be noted that the email that was posted here (re: banning books, etc.) by the resident of Wasilla was somewhat inaccurate. http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/sliming_palin.html
  15. Honey And The Moon - Joseph Arthur Waltz for Koop - Koop
  16. Yeah, it was posted. Is he wearing pants in that pic?
  17. There is a really nice hymn, somtimes called "A Song Of Peace," sometimes called "This is My Song." It's set to Finlandia and it's really nice. http://art101.com/peace/peace.mp3 http://prometheusli.com/musings/a_song_of_peace.htm
  18. I thought about this post the other day when I saw an Audi commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkR1Wn7kHGY The second half seemed pretty Sigur Ros-ish to me. And the artist for song? It was made in-house for the ad agency, so they may not be exaggerating.
  19. Exploratory committee? That's the cutoff for counting his experience?
  20. I have a blackberry 8700 (older). The browser is kind of lousy, but works well enough for what I use it for. Opera isn't much better, because it's hard to select which part of the page you want. Mine is free, though .
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