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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. That may be, but it was still totally painful.
  2. Josh Brolin was interviewed on NPR the other day about this. They played a clip of dialogue between Bush and Rove that was just seemed so stupid. Something to effect of* Bush: I know what the people want. I'm a business owner and I chat with the fans and the hotdog vendors at the stadium. I've got my finger on the pulse. Rove: People think George Bush is a spoiled jerk. They think you got all your money in stock swaps your daddy arranged. I can make them like you. Bush: You're just the word man. This campaign would begin and end with me. Rove: You think I'm just going to sprinkle some magical
  3. There's the rub. It seems unlikely that I would agree with a Republican on the issues more than I would a Democrat.
  4. Well, you know, one of the reasons I mentioned that I would probably never vote for Republicans over Democrats was to contradict your statement. It's not hypocrtical at all--I just disagree with you.
  5. I have never voted for a Republican over a Democrat and have a hard time imagining that I ever would*. I'd be much more likely to vote for a third party candidate. *Well, the Democratic candidate v. George Ryan ran to the right of him (before I could vote), but Ryan was a crook.
  6. His wife will make him change it back, I bet. Our dog is named after John Kerry.
  7. http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/10/oba...-voters-in.html
  8. I think the last text I got was "WAIT, DID THEY CLOSE ALL PAPA JOHNS?"
  9. So I'm the first jerk who's going to cop to not owning a copy in any format?
  10. It was mandatory before you registered here. Did you not read the fine print?
  11. Heh. I once found a mortgage file of his. He was taking out a mortgage on a $200k house in Nevada while his annual income was $2 million. I think I've told that story a few times.
  12. I was always INFP, but I tested quite differently recently. I don't remember.
  13. The signature is generally the main check, I believe. You sign when you register and that signature is compared with the one you sign on the day you vote. So if they get a stack of cards with the same handwriting, they get rejected.
  14. That puts you in the company of Osama Bin Laden, as it's hard to get good coffee in Waziristan.
  15. Lou, I think Jules' point is that there are some conservative Wilco fans, which isn't all that surprising.
  16. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/200...10/1529529.aspx
  17. I wonder what percentage of people watch these things might possibly be swayed (certainly not me). I have a theory that most of us watch them out of some combination of a dubious sense of civic obligation and a sports fan's desire to see his/her team win.
  18. Longoria got called up and their young pitchers developed*. *There may be more to the story, but I have no idea. Someone else can chime in.
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