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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Point being that he didn't need Illinois to win.
  2. I think Caliber's joking, being that Tony Knowles is an Alaskan Democrat. They're just not revealing their source(s).
  3. Minus the last four numbers. Shouldn't have been done, but at least there's that. Don't the first 5 digits essentially just indicate when and where she was born, though? And they're complaining about releasing addresses to the press? Eh? http://www.zabasearch.com/query1_zaba.php?...mp;tm=&tmr= I just released Sarah Palin's addresses on the internet? Edit: I also wonder what the standard practice for this sort of thing is.
  4. Am I the big dude or the little dude? Because the big dude is wearing a shirt that I would probably wear.
  5. This thread is going well. Good job guys. Let's try to avoid personal insults. Personal insults may include: You're crazy You're too young to understand Go fuck yourself You're a crying baby etc. How stupid can the discourse on here get?
  6. Yeah, 3.2 million was paid to a high school intern.
  7. Evidence of voter suppression: http://web.archive.org/web/20040817140125/...ics/8765193.htm http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/content/...00_felons2.html
  8. I don't want to defend raging anarchists or whatever, but strictly speaking of tactics, I am Jack's isn't so far off. Tea is personal property, no? Tarring and feathering ain't too fun, eh?
  9. I think generally most people, dem or rep, have sympathy for a teenager mother or a parent of said teenage mother. I don't see it being a big deal in a few days.
  10. Yes, I am reading exactly what you're saying. Did Orrin Hatch have too many kids to govern? Or to be a good parent? Or does this rule only apply to women? You still haven't addressed this that I've seen.
  11. So she should've been back in the kitchen is what you're just sayin'. What was her husband doing during this time?
  12. This is a really ridiculous and unflattering argument that you're trying to make. You honestly think that a pregnant teenager is ironclad proof that a parent is overburdened/unequipped to parent the number of children they have? There are SOOOO many reasons, in my opinion, that Palin would not be a good VP/P. That she has 5 children isn't on the radar at all. How many kids did/do the various Kennedys had/have? How many children does Orrin Hatch have? Has anyone suggested that they have too many children to govern?
  13. Here is my non-personalized advice: Consider drop bars for speed, although you may end up preferring upright bars for comfort. Get relatively skinny tires with relatively little tread--makes things easier. Larger tires are cushier if you're worried about jostling your bones. If you figure out what size you need, consider used. You can save a lot of $$. However, buying new is a lot more convenient, as the shop should fit you and might offer free tuneup(s). -stuck on a train
  14. You may think it's a stretch, but Republicans are considering delaying their convention in the case of a hurricane. They don't want to be seen as fiddling while Rome is drowning. Eh.
  15. The idea that tax and spend = middle class getting the screw job isn't necessarily true. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8082802851.html
  16. Honestly, why is this pick more cynical than any other VP pick would be?
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