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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. White Sox just went back to back to back to back against 2 Royal pitchers.
  2. http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/story/831560.html Nationals 1st rounder Aaron Crow likely to play independent ball and re-enter next year's draft.
  3. So someone who knows a lot about bikes or the bike industry enlighten me -- what is the main reason that such a large chunk of bikes sold here have big, knobby tires? Is it comfort? Is it cheaper to make durable knobby tires than durable tires with just a little tread? Or is there no good reason?
  4. It's more like dungeons and dragons for nerds, duder.
  5. Not the first time in recent years that Sir Paul has produced some giant, runaway dog shit! Oh!
  6. This place went to shit while you were gone. Have fun picking through the rubble.
  7. I'm not that familiar with Sowers, but I know that he is a former first round pick and is at that age where many young pitchers start to "get it." It's up to the Tribe management to determine how likely that is next year, but big turnarounds can happen from season to season. For instance: Gavin Floyd. Last year, 1-5 5.27 ERA. This year, 12-6 3.84 ERA.
  8. It's really not that simple at all. I'm not sure why you're under that impression.
  9. There's also the whole issue of Georgia's NATO aspirations and the fact that they were helping us out in Iraq.
  10. Dunn to the 'backs for three farmhands. You got your wish, Drew.
  11. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=36515
  12. She wanted him to give her a traditional, affirming butt-tap. He declined and backhanded her lower back. True story.
  13. I dunno, Bobs, I kinda agree with FHF here. The whole "fake birth certificate" thing seems to be along the lines of keep saying it and some people will start to think it's true and/or not remember if it's true.
  14. Pride. The word you're looking for is pride.
  15. Do not be assholes to those you consider assholes, lest we all become a bag of used, dumb assholes.
  16. Second thing I loled at today on here. Not sure if that's inappropriate.
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