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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I am really enjoying this album. I did not hear the first one, though, and I have read that they are rather similar. http://www.sendspace.com/file/jdez9b Flashlight Fight featuring Chuck D http://www.sendspace.com/file/3j9ade The Wrath of Marcie
  2. Not sure why you would want to revisit that. Also, I thought the Red Sox website was selling National League tickets.
  3. Hmm...is Wilco off-season or in-season? Just how great of a time is this?
  4. I hate rent, but she has a really nice voice. I voted.
  5. He also did not consult a doctor . The espn article left out the impotence part, but it's been mentioned in other media outlets.
  6. Why? Also, has anyone really suggested that the Pats aren't good and that they've been faking it all this time?
  7. I'm not sure that I do. :: eats everyone in thread:: ::wins::
  8. bEcause if they don't they're not doing everything in their power to win. It's a dog eat dog world out there. GRR!
  9. Reconstruction Site was really good. It was big around these parts back in the day.
  10. Indeed. The outlook wasn't as good yesterday. It is a little awkward that these men hurl themselves at each other over short careers for our enjoyment and big paychecks.
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